Games you want to see made


CGA President, Tribe of Judah Founder & President
Staff member
We all know there's going to be another Call of Duty. There's going to be another Mario platformer. New year? New Madden game. And that's all well and good.

But what about games that will probably never get made but you keep hoping for regardless? I'm not just talking the obvious sequels like Psychonauts 2, Beyond Good & Evil 2 (I'll believe it when I see it, Ubisoft), or a side-scrolling Metroid on a handheld.

Here's my criteria for a "do want" game that inspired this thread:

I want to play a PC dungeon crawler with LAN and online multiplayer support, complex (but not overly complex) combat, controller support (which disqualifies Torchlight II), a low price point, and no invasive DRM (which disqualifies Diablo III). Bonus points for a setting other than generic or grimdark fantasy. Additional bonus points for randomly generated levels.

EDIT: And not freemium and not a MMO (sorry, Spiral Knights fans).

I have another idea for an amazing 4-player co-op game, but I'll hold onto that one in case I ever get to live out my daydream of making a video game...

EDIT: Also: Starflight III. And not a fan project (no offense to fan projects intended).
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EDIT: And not freemium and not a MMO (sorry, Spiral Knights fans).

/Odale casts [Blatant Disregard].

I want to see another Dark Age of Camelot.

I also want SWTOR... like right now.

/Odale does whatever casters do to take back their spells.
I'd really like a multiplayer game in the form of jedi academy's multiplayer. That was some darn good fun.. Chopping people up with lightsabers and shooting people... gosh... best deathmatch/ctf/siege with lightsabers...
Games I would like to see made? Mine! :) I'm super secretive about my groundbreaking ideas though.

I would like to see a version of the source engine with better hit detection/prediction, one without what ever they did to it that makes it seize up with my video card and one without all the graphical glitches XD. Seriously I would pay full price for a TF3 if the only thing it fixed was the bugs.
Another Marathon game. Quite frankly, this trilogy still holds one of the top spots in my heart. It was pretty much the first FPS I cut my teeth on (actually I played Wolfenstein3d before, but it can't hold a candle to Marathon).

I already worked out the title. I'm thinking my next Blender project should be creating one of the Pfhor in 3D. . .

I have another idea for an amazing 4-player co-op game, but I'll hold onto that one in case I ever get to live out my daydream of making a video game...
I fiddled with Haaf's Game Engine and C++ to create a simple top-down 2d space game. All you can really do is fly around and look at the sun and planets I made in Gimp. Never got around to implementing better shadowing and the dynamic universe generation I had planned. The basics are there, just need to follow through (why does this sound so familiar? Maybe I should start finishing projects. . .) and code in the generation part.
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A version of TF2 without the gun drops/hats/trading/crafting (TF is an FPS not an RPG). I was fine with the weapons you got for achievements but once they started dropping it got stupid. Plus now that I've kinda started playing again an realize all my hard earned achievement weapons were gone I'm not a happy camper. Lastly charging 2.50 to buy a key to open a crate that may or may not contain an item that's worth the 2.50 is ridiculous.
World of Starcraft!

Maybe Starcraft: Ghost or Starcraft: FPS game.

Isn't Natural Selection 2 out yet?
I'd love to see Firefly get made into a game. It's perfect material for a quest based action game. You'd a space sim and a cowboy shooter all in one. :D

A good new Shining Force that captures the magical feel of the first title -- in English!

Umm, a game that Tek, Gerbil, and I cooperate on.

Squad-based 40K MMO. I have the bestest ideas for it ever.
Well, I'm getting Guild Wars 2 and that was a big one of my "hope it is actually being worked on" list.

Other than that Age of Empires IV would have been nice. I love that franchise so much! Now I'm stuck with Starcraft 2. It's not a bad replacement but I fell in love with AoE and would be enthused to see an ACTUAL followup to AoE3 made by a resurrected Ensemble Studios.