Game Night and Alt-game type night...


New Member
So this is something we've kicked around a bit so we'd like to nail it down and make it official.

First is just a "designated game night" where we can all shoot to be on the server at the same time hitting it up. This past sunday evening I got on 'round 11-ish (EST) or so and I saw a number of ToJers online, I think it's been this way in the past. Would that be a good night for everybody? Again, if you can't make it, not a big deal, this is just a sort've "common gathering" night where we can game with each other on a regular basis - there's plenty of action going on during the rest of the week too, but this will help us all to get to know each other a little better.

Second, we want to designate a DM-only night. I know there are a number of players who are gunning for this (Kraniac, James, etc.) so we want to hear from you guys, what would be good for you?

And lastly, we want to organize a "lock-in", where we'll set a password for the server and have a ToJ members-only session. Do we have some interest in that? We'd like to do this up sometime within the next few weeks, hopefully before school kicks in. We have some takers?

I'm down

As for DM night, pretty much any night except wednesday works, at least for another week. After that, saturday night around 7 PM EST would be best for me.
Ok, so sunday nights are good. Glad to hear it! So kick off around 10-ish or 11-ish, "whoever gets there first" kind of thing, then play till we all drop off. Done.

Looking for more input on the DM side of things...
K, tonight, August 15, 10-ish pm EST.


9pm for those in CST
8pm for those in MT
3am for those in the UK
11 am on Monday, August 16th in the Phillippines
or 125 beats, Internet Time

Here's a good tool for figuring out all times in one go.
PS - I might be a little late tonight...probably be closer to 11pm EST for me, but don't let that stop anyone from jumping on, I'll be along shortly.
School started for you now, JFreak? What kind of system do you have over there? I saw your name come on for a second, then you left.

BTW, good gaming with everybody last night. I'll try and make some time this week to set up UTVote so that we can rotate from ONS to DM to whatever, based on votes, and not have it crash. If the server's acting weird, that's just me.
It would be cool if we had UT Comp running on it too, but I'm not sure that supports Onslaught... hmm.

On other matters, it was nice seeing you all. This should be a good weekly event as long as my 3 AP classes don't interfere.
So what's our weekly game night? Eh? The time (9PM Central) is good for me; I could likely make that any night EXCEPT Tuesday nights, when the ToJ Council meets. Of course, I probably wouldn't make it every week if it was Friday, Saturday, or Sunday as I'll likely be with Ember around that time.

Heh. So I guess Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday would be best for me...and I might be on campus Thursday night if I attend the anime club meetings. And I might find a church with services on Wednesday night and start attending then.

Well...Poo. Just let me know when the game nights will be and I'll try my durnedest to make it. Fer real. Otherwise, I'll see you all on the server during my random fits of gaming.
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uhm....Ember should be playing UT with us during that time as well.

togethrerness during frag-fests. that's the way to go ..
Just to answer this (if you didn't already get it from other forums posts or from UT Chapter News Page), the current official gaming night is Sunday evenings, 10 EST, which I think is no good for Tek. (??)

Kraniac is currently organizing a DM night, aimed at Saturday evenings, which I guess is *also* bad for Tek. :p But the rest of the week is wide open, so if you guys just keep an eye on the server and hit when someone else joins, you'll eventually play with some ToJers.

My online activity will be low for a little while - Toronto Film Fest and I'm still organizing after moving - but I'll get on during the mid-week.