Fun with Webcams!

your both looking everywhere BUT the camera.. and u said Dredd's family doesnt like cameras but you wont even look at them. Geeze


Back row: Sherman's sister, Sherman's brother, Caspian, Sherman
Middle row: one2dredd, Prince Cor, Corin
Front row: Maid Mirawyn, Dorkelf

Click for a larger image
your both looking everywhere BUT the camera.. and u said Dredd's family doesnt like cameras but you wont even look at them. Geeze

Well, we didn't know they were taking the photo...

Actually, there are a lot of photos on my camera I didn't know about. I let Corin (youngest Brother of Dredd) use it. Turns out he has a good eye!
Dredd and Sherman:

There is now a Flickr photo set for our canyon photos. I'll upload more later, but it would be wonderful (hint hint) if y'all uploaded YOUR photos.

If you see a photo you like, click on "All Sizes" and you can download a large image.

Everyone else: Nothing to see here. Move along, move along.
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Sherman uploaded some pics, but I don't know how to find them!

Edit: Just got a contact from him. Found them!
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it looks like a stalker photo. Ur up on a rock while he passes by below unaware of you and then you take a picture to put online!!! RUN COR RUN!