Fun with Webcams!

I'm not geekified enough to post pictures. And please don't say "you just need to do this and this" cause it ain't gonna get done.
OK, this picture is about 2.5 years (has it really been that long?!?) old, but it's the only one I have on my work computer with me in it.

MaidMirawyn said:
Hmmm...somehow I missed that part last time! Makes you wonder...

Just remember, be nice, keep it tasteful, and don't stalk. ;)

Believe me, a girl who feels stalked will run very, very quickly the other way!

So now you claim I'm a stalker. I'm insulted. :p And I don't really, it's her talking to ME... apparently I "rock her socks".

Oh yes and...
Besides, I'm too old for any of you anyway...

*shrugs* Worth a try...
astrod00d said:
Here's a pic of Halonic...

When I hear a person's voice before I see them, I usually develop the wrong impression of what they look like. But Halonic looks almost exactly as I'd imagined. (Except I imagined for some reason that he wore glasses.) [edit - he IS wearing glasses in the picture, don't know what I was thinking!]

BTW Dredd I was just kidding about the example I sent to the online Urban dictionary. :) But I did send them basically the same definition that you posted.

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MaidMirawyn said:
Isn't anyone else going to post photos? I WANT MORE PHOTOS!

A'ight, a'ight! Here's one of me, playing with my new camera a couple weeks ago...

Halonic looks nothing like I pictured him. :)
Shagz said:
Halonic looks nothing like I pictured him. :)

What were you expecting, Hank Hill?

Anyhow, here's me when playing PvE:

And here's me when playing PvP:

EDIT: By the way, after posting this, I'm sure that second pic will somehow make it onto our website, right next to "Teh Sprit Of Elijha".
dorkelf said:
When I hear a person's voice before I see them, I usually develop the wrong impression of what they look like. But Halonic looks almost exactly as I'd imagined. (Except I imagined for some reason that he wore glasses.)

Same here. It's actually kinda funny, cause he looks a lot like one of my family's friends who lives in North Carolina that we go visit every summer, so that was kinda the image I had pictured. Same southern drawl too. :D

Haha Pastori, I can definitely understand the difference. Although you might wanna change it to "PvE" and "PvP/PvE with Henchies" :D
Halonic said:
I'm not geekified enough to post pictures. And please don't say "you just need to do this and this" cause it ain't gonna get done.
That's what you have a son for, right? :D

Glad to see so many people posting pics! It's really interesting to see people's pictures when all you've had to go by are their avatars, character names, and posts! I think I've been a little closer picturing people I've heard on TS, but it can still be quite surprising when I see photos...
[]WildBillKickoff said:
What were you expecting, Hank Hill?

No, I'm just having trouble rectifying the accent with the face. :) Halonic looks very much like my sister-in-law's Dad in Saskatchewan, who doesn't have that thick deep south accent (obviously), so it's screwing me up. Hank Hill might not have been too far off though. ;)
Yep Halonic is about how I pictured him except I expected more hair. He actually looks like a white version of my dad almost :0). *My dad wanted to shave his head like Halonic, but we never let him*
one2dredd said:
*My dad wanted to shave his head like Halonic, but we never let him*
How ironic! My mom wanted to cut her hair shorter, but my brother wouldn't let her... (He's the baby of the family, and the only boy...) My mom got really irritated when he didn't get upset when I cut my hair. (My hair used to be down to my hips! It's only been "short" for about two or three years, but it was long for about six.)
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Southern drawl? Ya'll are the ones with the accents.

Hair? I have lots of hair.....I just cut it off. That pic is about 3 years old. It was taken when I was trying out the web camera so I could communicate with my daughter when she spent the summer in Japan.

Sadly I don't have the beard any more. Beards are not allowed at the place where I am now employed. It will reappear immediately upon retirement.

I think when that pic was taken I actually shaved my head with an electric razor. Now I just use the hair clippers on the closest setting instead.

Pastori looked similar to what I imagined except he looked younger than I expected.

Derk didn't look anything at all like I expected.

Dea really messed me up because I can't get the Maid Mirawyn avatar out of my mind when I think of her.

Thanks to Paul and Shaqz for the pics too. Thrawn was younger than I anticipated.

I already know what Astrod00d looks like. If he ever makes me mad I will find one of those baby pictures sans diaper and threaten him with it.

And I STILL wanna know what Andrew is hiding under that helmet.
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