Fun with Webcams!

Hey! I...........(to show the inner dork or not to show) NVM Yea burn those Sweaty teenagers in there sweating costumes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No it wouldn't. It'd show Maid in a midst of a bunch of overweight, sweaty teenagers dressed up as their favorite superhero or game character.

or a bunch of overweight teenagers who put on there sister's leotards to be the fairy king of Flabernorph.
C$, it's ATLANTA. In SEPTEMBER. The whole CITY is either sweaty or perspiring.

The difference? If you bathe regularly and use proper hygiene, it's simply perspiration and not a big deal. If you don't, you're smelly and sweaty.

Now I HAVE to post a pic, just to prove you wrong. And I'll include a pic of my friend who went as the Shade of Trokair.

*waits to see who's enough of a Magic geek to get it*
*waits to see who's enough of a Magic geek to get it*

O... come on... we all know what that means....

*cough* can anyone inform me ? *cough* am i crazy and the only person who DOESN"T know what... or... is MM just a magic geek (no offense?... similar to i use to be a Yu-gi-oh fan boy
hehe... good times, Atown? lol)
Now I HAVE to post a pic, just to prove you wrong. And I'll include a pic of my friend who went as the Shade of Trokair.

I appreciate how you take extra time to help me prove my point, especially with my hurt wrist (typing with one hand and all. Good fun, huh STC? :p)
ya, i got good at poking keys! GW was fun to play too. You should have seen my awsome monking skills!
There are organized groups where, for instance, you must be thirty or thirty-five to join. It's not just pre-teens who play. :)

I don't play, but several of my thirty-plus friends do, including my husband. :)
a saw a little on that game... saw its reputation... and really was turned away... plus... when i did try it briefly... i honestly just didn't like the set up of the game... or the game format... BUT... that is my opinion... i really never gave the game a good chance... nor will i probably ever.
nice costume there..heh..i play(ed) Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, and Battletech

Edit: I should post a pic of me when I went as Scar, the serial killer from FullMetal Alchemist to a convention..
no..but i did make the elaborate tattoo on my right arm...where's a

took me 3 hours to wash it off with a variety of soaps and water...

Just when we thought the hair couldn't get any redder. :p anyway after spending a collective 5 weeks around redheads I think they should start making redhead jokes. I mean, it's the last frontier of the joke world! (sorry Maid, it's just... when someone [redheaded] took me seriously when I said "naw, where I come from baking soda is actually a liquid"... wow yeah that's just not right. That and various other "duh" things that happened have spurred me on to start creating redhead jokes. No offense, but you seem to be the exception, not the rule :p poor other redheads. All that temper goes to their heads :p:p:p)