Full Guild Meeting II


Active Member
Ok, what would a guild meeting be if we didn't move the date!!

Treebranch is out of town on Wednesday and I have had something come up for Wednesday evening, ahhh ministry.

We will move the guild meeting to Saturday at 8 PM Server time, with a back up day of Monday evening at 8 PM server.

Working Agenda Items-
  • Update on Co-Guild Leader elections
    Raiding Update
    State of the Guild
    Request for Stress Test help for TeamSpeak Server
    Question and Answer Time
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With an Undead Priest. ;)

BTW Icthus, sorry we turned this into another spam thread, but you knew with this bunch, it had to happen.
Goblits 20th Reunion is this year. But don't tell her I said that. Sadly, that means my 20th is in a few years. sheesh, time flies when you are actually having fun.
Some meeting that I'm going to be late to, since at 8 ST I'm usually on my way home from Church.

Saturday night church FTW!