From Redeemed Honor and Love to one of your own!

saltine... and spam... that doesn't sound to appealing... but.. hey... i haven't tried it... i should probably be adventurous and try it...
saltine... and spam... that doesn't sound to appealing... but.. hey... i haven't tried it... i should probably be adventurous and try it...

i think the best mix ive had is wheat thins with bbq enhanced ranch dip
There are numerous saltines out there - but the only real saltine is Premium by Nabisco.
Has anyone tried the Toppers crackers yet? They even have a couple of different flavors, and they're great for putting stuff on.
I shall never cease to be amazed at the different twists and turns y'all's threads take. There should be a disclaimer at the top of every thread "WARNING: Threads are only loosely bound to the original topic of discussion!!" I love it. I might not post all that much, nobody's going to throw the Spammer label my way, but you guys are always good for a laugh when I need it.

PS, why doesn't spell check like "y'all's?" I use that word all the time. It's surely a real word. Meh.
i use ya'll all the time, usually like welpcnyalater but yeah
My online dictionary recognizes y'all.'all

I wouldn't use a dictionary that didn't recognize my favorite southern expressions. It doesn't, however, recognize any 's that occurs on nouns unless it is included in a phrase like "dog's breakfast."
Maybe it's because southerners are just grammatically impaired. I bet you all (that's right, you all. Not "ya'll") use "soda" instead of "pop", too.
I must side with C$ on this one.

ITS SODA! S-O-D-A. not pop, im not drinking my dad...

Real southerners don't say "soda" or "pop." Coke is the generic term for soft-drink. "Do you want something to drink?" "I'll have a coke." "What kind?" At this point you can make your selection if it is other than Coca Cola.

Many times I have heard the following interaction - "Do you want something to drink?" "I'll have a coke." "What kind?" "Coke." "Will Pepsi do?" "#%@$*& NO! I'll take an RC or Mountain Dew."
I must side with C$ on this one.

ITS SODA! S-O-D-A. not pop, im not drinking my dad...


What? I say pop. The phrase is "soda pop". The noun is "pop", being described by the adjective "soda". I'd make fun of you for your grammatical incompetence, but you're not as bad as those who call everything "cola". :P
its pop. Iowa says its pop and they train the news reporters for NBC and ABC in Iowa so that they have a neutral accent (its true). Therefore it must be pop
soda FTW!!!

pop they just say in the "America......" section of our country... as in...

the explaination our country is East coast, America..., then California, Washington, and Hawaii.... yep....
Mist, I have to disagree. In my section of Iowa, and by that I mean a 5-foot-radius around me, its soda. Messes with me when I go to a restaurant and I ask for a soda, they bring me this fizzy water stuff. And being from Iowa, I don't know if you'd quite be able to call me a Southerner, but I probably use more horrendous contractions than most actual Southerners. I have even been heard to use the word "all'y'all." Funny, spell check doesn't like that either. Anyway, its 5 am. Happy Spamming!