From fur to feathers..


New Member
So i have dropped feral dps and Vigur is now a full fledged space chicken! His offspec is now Bear tank (had to make good use of all my feral gear). If any of our other moonkins have any advice/tips/sites they like to use I’m all ears (and antlers) :)

my tip is when cats fall they always land on their 4 feet when chickens fall they just die think about it
well its feather to furs, i switched back to kitty dps (offspec is tank still), it was good to see a different view of the druid again, but i started missing being a cat:)
Much Better

I think it's for the best. It was more fun when I raced you for DPS/Damage when you were a kitty. :D

Also: Easier for you to keep gear between Kitty and Bear.