Free DOW2:Retribution beta keys

I've got Retribution beta installed on my steam account with my Dawn of war: Retribution preorder (i've picked the Eldar pack). :)
I was considering the collector's edition from the THQ store. They all look so good. @_@
For you guys who have played DoW and DoW2...

Do you need to play through the original DoW to get the story in DoW2?

I played the demo for DoW2 and loved it and I'm definitely going to get it, but I don't know if I should play through DoW1 first.
No. While people like Gabriel Angelos show up, or a certain villain in Chaos Rising, the story is all new in DoW2/CR and doesn't require playing DoW.

Also, DoW's gameplay is radically different and/or ugly. Stick with the second for sure. :)
I logged on using the PAINFULLY slow Russian internet just to say that Keero is wrong. Dawn of War 2 is a lot of fun, but the original is worth playing for sure, definitely invest in it. It didn't suck up hundreds of hours from my life by being a bad game. You don't need it to understand the story, but the multiplayer is still more fun in the original if you can find a game.
I preordered the Collector's Edition. I couldn't make up my mind as to what pack I wanted, so I got them ALL. Also I'm a sucker for the poster and cards that tends to be included in CE boxes...