FoW 5 Man farm build

Sumo Supreme

New Member
I wanted to start a thread for one of my favorite farms... I would like to learn the Tank aspect of it since I am just now getting my first warrior to level 20. I have been bonding for a long time and will post my build for both my bonder and my echo nuker.

As far as the version of the 5 man FoW farm I have been with is:
-1 Tank
-1 Bonder
-1 Healing Monk
-2 Nukers

(If anyone has other ideas or builds please add by all means and share your build, I would like to get the most efficent build possible, also please post a tank build as I am very intersted in trying it out)

For now I will only consentrate on the Bonder Build. The actual gameplay part I will try to get to later as well as my double echo nuker build.

My Bonder FoW build
I use Mo/Me

Before runes my attributes are:
Inspiration Magic 6
Smiting 6/7 (minor rune of divine favor)
Protection 10/14(scalp design of protection +1 with superior prot rune +3)
Divine Favor 12/13 (minor rune of divine favor)

Blessed Signet (nessicary to keep your bonds up)
Signet of Devotion (optional and can be changed for other skill of choice, but this gives healer support without taking any energy)
Mantra of Inscriptions (used to keep your sigs recharging faster)
Life Barrier [E] (if you dont have it, Life Bond will work)
Vital Blessing (extra health is always a plus no matter how you look at it)
Essence Bond (keeps you in the positive with energy in the heat of battle allowing you to cast and maintain more bonds than possible before)
Balthazar's Spirit (a must for your tank)
Ressurect (I choose this over rebirth cause rebirth steals all your e and you loose all bonds, but at the same time if you have to use it chances are you are gonna loose or have lost most of your bonds anyway)

I take a roths and ivors icons for the +1 chance in prot and smite when casting. Also i take a smite scalp design with superior smite rune to give +4 when casting balth's on warrior.

........The bonding part.
I will bond warrior first and foremost. He gets Balth's first, followed by life barrier, essence bond, vital blessing. Watch him because he will be taking the most damage.

Next the Nukers get Life Barrier, and Vital Blessing.

The monk will get Life Barrier.

during this whole time you will need to have Mantra of Inscriptions up and constantly be using Blessed Sig, to keep up your bonds. Once all your bonds are up then you watch them for them getting stripped and recast when needed. Because the Warrior takes the majority of damage you will get alot of energy from Essence Bond giving you a chance to put extra bonds out there when the situation gets a little sticky. Just remember to cancel any extra bonds after the fight to maintain a reasonable number. I have had it before where I had 17 bonds up and then the fight ended and I was not getting any more energy from the warrior which cost me all my bonds. Also, the beach, Skeletons, and Various other bad guys will strip bonds, so keep a eye on who has what bond. Also, as a bonder your duty is to keep out of the way and out of the aggro! You can stay back a bit and keep your bonds as you dont need to be in the aggro circles.

I will post again soon. If anyone has a differnt approach please add as I said before I am all about finding the best combination and Im not so set in my ways that I believe this is the only way. I have changed my bonder time and time again fine tuning him to get him better for the team.
I have 2 tanks, one with 580 health (Any ideas on how to get it higher? I got 2 +30 hp items and a rune of major vigor and no major/sup rune besides a sup absorption). I would be more than willing to do a run with this. I don't have any of the other needed chars though.
That build was perfect for SF farming when the gear trick was in effect.....not so now IMO even though you still see it regularly.

I anticipate War Camp will eventually look like Tombs....hardly anything but B/P teams. I have done both post-nerf and the B/Ps are much easier IMO.

Our bonder builds are quite different also. 211 hp with Vital Blessing with 16 in Protection. The 15 points I take in Divine Favor negates the need for Mantra of Inscriptions IMO because you get 24 energy each time you use Blessed Signet. Also, I Barrier and Bond everyone. Tank only gets Vital Blessing unless someone gets in trouble then I throw it on them also. I maintain 9 enchants easily.
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