
Ok here is something that I enjoy, and certainly can satisfy the vegitarians among us,

Black Bean and Rice
Enough healthy for now, this is available at a lot of fast food restaurants.
Bacon Double Cheeseburger
What goes on this?
Can a veggie burger really compare to this super goodness?
Later that same day...the veggie burger with tomato and onion and fake cheese isn't fighting to get out of your system. Nor is it fighting a healthy system. Priceless goodness.
Ok healthy, schmealthy I tried almond milk. Very high yuck factor. How can anyone prefer pouring that in their face in preference to the real stuff is beyond me. How can you disguise it enough to put it down?
lol...picture yourself latched onto the udder of a cow...that is who milk is for

I don't know which brand of almond milk you are drinking - we really like Silk best.
Well the tomatoes are gone, plants and stakes pulled up, so plastic store bought until next season. So what is the best cookout food for the last of the season, cool day, hanging on to the end cookout.
Um, is this where I post my association with the food you are looking for, above? Because I don't want to just vegetate over here. This could create a problem that easily boils over. Oh no, not this least it'll spice things up. Sorry, I'll stop peppering the forums with this...I don't have thyme for it any more.
Vegans need not apply, unless ya haz a reasonable substitute.

Sausage English muffins

Home made are best.