folowing the word


be not partakers of the sins of man and fall into the hands of satan.
he will decive you any way he can...
as we come to the fall season; learn the truth behind Halloween.
vid on halloween
They talk about the "soul not living forever" and use Ezekiel 18:4 to support it a long with a few other key text.

I have a bachelors degree in Discipleship Training and Biblical Theology and to be honest this is the first time I've ever heard this doctrine. I'm not sure I disagree with his assessments but it does raise some questions. I wonder if he would say the "spirit" lives forever or if it dies along with the soul and body? They seem to indicate the belief in "soul sleep" so maybe thats what their talking about. idk I got a different perspective on the concept of time but I've not spent much of it on some of these more refined theories so take it with a grain of salt. I don't think time is necessarily linear. Of course to us it is because of out vantage point, but with God's He sees past, present, and future(maybe He sees all possibilities for the future not one that is set in stone, but thats another topic for another day)

... actually this has got me thinking. I'm going to look into some of these ideas of soul sleep, hell, perceived divide between the spirit and physical, etc. Thanks for the video. I needed something to light a fire under me again. :)

I know this is a video and thread on Halloween but those points he made in the video made me sit up a little.
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Prophet, I would encourage you to look at Randy Alcorn's Heaven. It's a great book about all things afterlife and really challenged some things I had thought for a long time or never thought about at all. I don't agree with all of it, but it's all good to interact with.
Oh man such a good suggestion! I love Randy Alcorn, I have most all his books and the Heaven book is amazing. I agree with just about all of it personally. great stuff!
Preacher23 - just a heads up...

As I said in my deleted post, posted on the appropriate thread, I don't usually watch lengthy videos, but Prophet's post got to my curiosity. I did watch the whole video, though I had a good idea where it was going after the guest was introduced.

The guys position on Halloween is spot on - it did come more from pagan practices than the Christian veneer that was placed over it.

His views on holy days and the soul and spirit - well, they are not.

He is from the United Church of God. This group is an off-shoot of Herbert W. Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God. The interesting part of their history is that the WCG, in the past twenty years, has rejected Armstrong's teachings and affirmed the biblical teachings on the divinity of the Holy Spirit and the Trinity, rejected adherence to the OT dietary laws and Jewish holidays, and allowed members to celebrate Christian holidays, birthdays, take medication and see a doctor. They have adopted a more traditional Christian view of Scripture, God and the life to come. However, splinter groups disagreed and formed new entities, one being the United Church of God. This is the largest, founded in the 1990's. They still hold a cult-like adherence to Armstrong as God's end-time messenger, and to his teachings.

I'd be very careful about accepting much of what any of their spokespersons have to say.
I always have trouble between October and December. I hear a lot of debate on celebrating holidays. I'm not real sure where I stand on them and to be honest am not real concerned either way. I guess I lean toward it being more of a cultural thing. I would guess most people don't celebrate Halloween to worship the devil, and most don't celebrate Christmas to worship Tammuz. Maybe there is an underlying spiritual aspect of it, but I'm not so sure it's not greed as opposed to idolatry... though that maybe splitting hairs.

My family celebrates Passover, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Independence Day. All but Independence Day and Passover we celebrate the day after (honestly to save on gifts, candy, etc) I make sure it is known every year that we don't know the exact day or month Jesus was born so we cannot pinpoint a special day to commemorate it. (Note; we should celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus everyday, but do it so with our lives more than just an event)

One could argue (and I assume some proponents who reject all commercial holidays would) that having church on Sunday would be wrong b/c it is not the Sabbath. If those people are right we have a lot of work to do and if they are wrong it has at least made us aware of some church history and helped us grow closer to God in the debate.
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