Flower power raid day


New Member
Hello everyone. I try to do this before but i had to Cancel it, But time going to try it again. Everyone who is a flower picker in the guild would you be willing to join me in picking flowers for the guild bank so we can make potions for Instances like MC. All lvl Pickers are well come to join the raid.
I will be starting the raid on Wednessday June 7 at 1:30 pm server time. IF you want to come pls sign up and I will send an invite to everyone that signed up. Thanks Everyone and God Bless, Ill Be on Agx to Invite :cool:
I will not be able to come pick with you... I work this wednesday =(. Klangdon the Master Picker will do it another time.
I may be able to come for a short tiime....I have to pick my son up from School on Wednesdays....and its his birthday too.
Happy birthday little Bannard-God's Peon ( I am not going to call him little Avesther, silly female night elves).

I do not have a flower picker.... or do I?
Prize! Prize! Prize!

There will be a prize of 50g to the toon who sends in the most stacks of Dreamfoil/Icecaps/mountain silversage/golden sansam/elemental fire by midnight on June 7th.

All stacks need to be sent to Redflower...and can be sent anytime after reading this post!

Please note......ANYONE can gather elemental fire to join in! (They drop off the fire elementals in Arathi Highlands and Ungoro)
Well gosh darn, colour me pink and call me a daffodil, I didn't know the top pig got a prize at this here county fair. I guess I better bt getting to prunning some flowers, killing fire elementals and go get me top prize.
To wrap up this raid event I would like to say that participation beyond Darkcloud and his wife, consisted of Avesther, who already donates half of what he picks or more to the guild bank anyways.

So in short, the guild support for the fundraiser was not there.

Thank you Darkcloud for your effort and the time you put into organising the "Flower Power" day. I wish things could have turned out better for you and the guild.