Flash Pro ???


New Member
I need a guy who is very good at flash to join with me on a very large project for ToJ. I wont go into the details as yet but i need to see some evidence of your flash work first..

Please email me rizz_rat@yahoo.co.uk if you have the skills and the time to devote to this project. It will be a great thing for ToJ when it is completed and i hope i get a lot of people wanting to be involved.

Also i could do with information on the following areas...

1. Statistics for teh gaming industry. (turnover/player per game etc..)
2. Information on video capture in games.

Once i have got the flash guys informed of the project i will let all you guys know whats going on.
I found out a neat thing about video capture. If you have video out on your video card, you can capture the video onto a VCR, then with a program on your machine take the video off the tape and onto your PC. I think windows XP has a built-in program that can do that. I might have use for my VCR after all...
Rizz, I am still a nubert with a majority of flash with the exception of hooking flash upto a database through Cold Fusion. Most notably the two flash games in the members section. So, if you project needs to get remote data, let me know. Plus our hosting company supports flash remoting too.
Heh, I *just* started really fidelling with flash the other day. I'm mainly action-scripting though. I COULD do some anims, but nothing that good to show.

Depending on what the project entails I could help, but as I said I'm still learning. I'm always looking for learning projects in anything, which is probably why people reject me (they don't want their project to be a "learning project").

Ohwell, if you don't get any better offers, I could help. I don't know whether you will or not. I havn't seen anything come out of ToJ, but then again they could just not be telling us.
Ok i will explain the project in a bit of detail.. You may argue that flash isnt the best method of approach...

Eventually i want this to be outputted to a VHS/DVD anyway...

1. It has to be formatted in presentation style.
2. It is going to be a 1 minute presentation of CGA and ToJ and what they are about.
3. The purpose of it is to play in churches and at christian events to show people what ToJ is all about.
4. Initially in flash it will reuire splicing some scenes of ingame animation together along with some smooth inlayed text stuff and sound sync for some animation..

Ok heres a brief storyboard of what god told me...

1. Splice in some bits of info (stats) about the gaming industry with some music and stuff... trying not to give away the nature of the beast...e.g.
A. There is a people group that turns over xmillion dollars a year in revenue.
B. There are x million people who regularly meet to join in one area of this group. (eg CS)
C. This group is relatively untouched by christians.
etc etc....

Then onto explaining ToJ/CGA and what it does. Splice in some ingame footage.

Round off with details etc..
Well, I can't help you, but me thinks you don't really want Flash for it. Theres a program by Adobe called AfterEffects or something thats supposed to be the top dog. Any other video editing will probably do, but I don't think you want flash.

Besides, doing it in AfterEffects or something similiar will allow better distribution online because of the smaller size for higher quality.

P.S. Lol, didn't even see the prediction that someone would argue against using flash. Good call, rizz.
The thing to worry about with flash is the load times. You start embedding video and the size of the flash file grows really quickly. But it is an excellent format because over 90% of the PC's out there have it installed. You will run into problems with users not having the right software when you start using video formats like mpg, mov or avi. Seeing how you are making a presentation, I think that flash would be an excellent solution. Instead of having video of someone playing, you could get multiple pictures of games and events like E3. As you cycle through the images, flash messages across the screen like how much more was spent on video games than movies last year. Then highlight games like CS and how any given moment there is over 50,000 people playing online. The GamespyArcade site keeps some numbers on the amount of people playing games too. I think the point you are trying to get across is the fact that the gaming industry makes up a large every growing part of the media and is very secular. I think you can get that point across without going through the expense and pain of trying to integrate video footage.

Anyways, here is a neat and very funny video done using footage from TFC from the 30+ clan. For those that don't know, 30+ is a clan of members who are 30+ years old:
The guy who did it happens to do video editing at work and had access to all the expensive equipment used to convert the different mediums into the quick time video. Although QuickTime pro is only about $30 US and that would only require a video card with video in/out. ATI's All-In-Wonder series of boards have those capabilities and can start around the $100 range.

The other nice thing about flash is it is vector based with the exception of the images you would import. This helps make it easy to port between the different resolutions (TV and Computer) and still keep a clean look and feel and not get pixilated. I happen to have a video output on my card and could change the resolution on my pc and port a flash movie to VHS.

Looks like you have a good start Rizz. Your next step should be to start making a story board for your project. It will really help you realize what you want to have in it and if video is really necessary. Also, I am very interested in this project. I too feel that the Church does not realize the potential for evangelism in this medium and how many people we have the power to reach. I would be more than happy to help critique or even create a story board for it.
Thanx for the input guys.. i will try and collate the stats myself and make a storyboard up.. then i will try and make some graphix for the scenes.. then its just a collation job for the flash guy and making it sparkly.. plus the incorporation of the in game stuff.
Your still ganna need something like After Effects. Flash might be good to distribute it, but you won't be able to edit the actual movie if you embed it.

Embeding a movie keeps the entire movie on one frame, rather than make each frame a flash frame.

And you might want to be weary of taking game footage. The splattering of bodies in video games will probably freak them out unless the entire congregation plays videogames.

Just my 2c. (And if you add it up with my other 2 cents, you get 4 cents!)
Oh dont worry i have content covered... i just need someone who can put it together
I have to agree with Sir Lagalott, Flash isn't your program, especially with your final ouput being VHS/DVD.

Even if you're putting this up on the web, I'd stay away from Flash and produce a Quicktime movie or DIVx encoded AVI, that is if you want to do everything that you've outlined above (or maybe produce a stripped down version of your presentation for the web, using only one video clip while the rest are flat images [jpg, what have you] using flash to animate).

For what you want to do, AfterEffects or Premiere or Final Cut Pro or any other video editing program is what you're after. Even if you do it in Flash, which fortunately does export as Quicktime (so long as you don't do any animating with action scripting or use movie clips, this works fine), you still need to bring that into a video editing program to output to tape.

The bad news is that I have rudimentary or no skill in any of those programs. Sorry, wish I could be more help.
Actually Flash is probably the program that he needs the most.. I've been in a class that studies Flash.. However, im not so sure if i'll be any help to you rizz.. if you still can't find someone to help u.. try contacting me.

U can use Flash to use fade effect, animation, flashes (my fav) and etc.. i know some stuff so even if some one is on the project, i can be there assitant!

ok best of luck to you rizz.. i'll pray for the project too