First Weekend of the Month Get-Togethers

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New Member
Every first weekend of the month we're going to have a non-instance get together. Some activities that have been suggested are parties (of course), team scavenger hunts (both for items and flight points), raids, and expeditions to gather materials for the bank such as fishing. On my first server, I was 'newbie recruiter', and I had a blast doing scavenger hunts in newbie zones where they looked for me and I gave them prizes when they found me.

Some gatherings will be open to anyone inside the guild and out, some will be guild only.

The question is...what do we want to do this weekend?
I was thinking a picture site scavanger hunt. We post 10 questions about various celebs in WoW. Take a screen shot of each person you find. Winner gets the mats/cash for their mount/riding skill.
That sounds kinda fun! I don't know actually if this week we'll end up having time for that this time though. Everyone is a little instance-crazy. We were just going to allot an hour before the high level instance (which I think is at 6 server time?). Plus, I'm not sure the prize is affordable.
I can't make the gathering tonight because a friend needs me, but notashamed and Strong Fortress still plan to have it.

The lower instance will still be at 10st. I may be on my brother's priest to take everyone through (he had a friend come this weekend at the last minute).
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