First ever CGA convention

[b said:
Quote[/b] (ToJ | Dead_Aim @ Feb. 02 2004,8:29)]Thats gonna be a toughy to pack on a plane. Id make a seen at the tulsa airport if it was stolen
That is why I am not bringing mine. I hope they have plenty of bawls at the LAN center as I have always wanted to try some. I think I will brink a few tins of those penguin mints or whatever they are.
My head hurts now...not a week and a half ago I posted, and now it's eight pages longer.

Okay. Since my parents are probably of the suspicion that y'all will pull a Waco on me and all of us, I probably won't be able to go.
Stupid, yes, but you know, I probably won't.
And they wonder where I get my cynical, sarcastic, pessimistic and suspicious attitude of EVERYthing...
I have been thinking this through a bit more and going through more issues money wise. It looks like I wont be able to make it out this year as there are a few things that I need to take care of. Hopefully next year if you guys have it again I will be able to make it.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Ooo, does Mr.Popman live in Michigan?  I'm assuming so from the Flint reference.
Yup I live in Davison.
the first ever CGA convention also known as CGAC :P
I've noticed Tek Inc.© loves to abbreviate things. IS TEK SECRETLY ILLITERATE?!T^!@111one11

CGA - "See GAH"
.fls. - "FHLUS"

Tek has to abbreviate things for his sanity's sake, I think ^,^.

Oooooooookay. Yea.

I'm happy, class got cancled today. w00t.

[b said:
Quote[/b] (mrpopdrinker @ Feb. 04 2004,4:40)]Would you mind translating that into english for me? Thanks.  
*sigh* If I have to.

How to speak 1337ese for begginers and nubs alike:

Michigan = That state up there next to Canuckia that looks like your hand where only the 1337est of the 1337 reside
is = A word that tie's together a noun and the adjective that describes it
so = A 1337 word used to put emphasis on said adjective
the = the
pwnt = The most b0x0r r0x0ring thing around
<-- = Pointing to self in reference
Grosse Pointe = 1337 little suburb on the north side of the big D
I have no idea where I'll be driving from, my job starts May 17th or so, and no word on where I'm relocating to until April. I can skip that weekend to come to the convention, but I'll be all but cut off from the digital world come May 17th.

As for you Ultima, Tek, or one of the other main planners would probably be willing to field a call from your parents to answer all questions, I would highly recommend that route. The more the merrier.
Like i posted in the Lan area Deadaim, What are your real motivies for wanting to come to the convention? its cool if it is just to meet the CS people

Realize though that the CS people do include