Hi all, I'm a dad for 8 kids plus one more coming in Feb. My advise is pretty simple and it comes from Deuteronomy verse 3b. The important part is that the advise comes from the Lord. He is talking to the Israelite nation about war but I think it applies to new parents. "Do not worry, do not be afraid, do not panic" You will not always have the answers. You will make mistakes. You will not always do it the way others do it BUT God has entrusted and has blessed you with a life. A life He has divine plans for and he has given that life to you to bring up in the ways of the Lord.
On a practical note, get plenty of rest leading up to the birth as you won't get much for the next 3 months after. Have an abundance of supplies (diapers, sleepers, bottles, etc) on hand and have them in the same place so both of you know where they are.
For dads, remember your wife is exhausted both physically and emotionally. Give her a break, often. Do whatever it is that charges her batteries. This is definitely the time to overdo it on her primary love language. Oh, and make sure she gets lots of sleep, she will often do too much and sometimes needs a gentle reminder that she needs rest. Take every opportunity to hold the little one, believe me when I say, they don't stay that little and you will soon miss those days.