Final Beta Announced


New Member
July 20-22 has been declared as the final beta before GW2 is released.

Perhaps we'll get to test Sylvari and Asura then.
I have the feeling they plan on keeping that till launch, they seem to be all about keeping lots secret for us.
I am hoping that we pick a high pop server.

When we picked a mid pop server in Rift it ended up being very low pop before long. Same issue in SWTOR (although we were assigned to that one by BioWedgie)

I am impressed how smooth GW2 plays. Liking the controls, the default UI....I feel that so far this game is a real step up from the cookie cutter mold. Hoping it's depth holds up. Love Arenanet's spin on things. I am also liking that we have WvWvW at launch that is somewhat reminiscent of DAoC RvR. 3 Faction PvP is the way to do it!
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I have the feeling they plan on keeping that till launch, they seem to be all about keeping lots secret for us.

I'm thinking the same thing. However, they may want player input for balancing and bugs and such. While the only difference skill-wise are the race-specific skills, which shouldn't have a balance problem, I know Anet got a lot of complains about the "feel" of the Norn race as well as asking for a two-legged run option for Charr. So we may see at lease one for the next BWE so Anet can make some last minute adjustments.

However, Anet does like it's surprises.. :)
I am hoping that we pick a high pop server.

When we picked a mid pop server in Rift it ended up being very low pop before long. Same issue in SWTOR (although we were assigned to that one by BioWedgie)

I am impressed how smooth GW2 plays. Liking the controls, the default UI....I feel that so far this game is a real step up from the cookie cutter mold. Hoping it's depth holds up. Love Arenanet's spin on things. I am also liking that we have WvWvW at launch that is somewhat reminiscent of DAoC RvR. 3 Faction PvP is the way to do it!

I agree that server selection is a huge deal, with the wonderful login server queue being playable there is no reason not to be on a popular server. Also being on a server with pro pvp guilds would be nice so you win the WvW now and then.
Well, I don't know how the numbers will officially play out, but during beta testing, Eternal Grove, the server we voted on and picked, was listed as a high population server.

So far, so good.
Is the plan, then, to stick with Eternal Grove through launch, provided they don't rename the servers?

UPDATE: So I went and poked around the web a bit to see what other guilds are currently on Eternal Grove to get a sense of the larger server community. I used the GW2G thread and the server titanpad as jumping off points.

After wading through some helpful, and not-so-helpful guild websites, I found a couple of other guilds that might be doing serious WvW. The Tribe Gaming GW2 chapter looks like it might be of significant size. There is also an alliance that is forming made up of the guilds Emerald Fang, Glory in Ashes, Prime, and Sonata. Blood of the Martyrs [HOPE] looks like a serious guild as well, but it's unclear from their website how many are making the transition from GW to GW2.

As for time zones, it seems like a large number of the guilds I looked at consider themselves Eastern time guilds, and a few are Australian or NA/Aus split guilds. It'd be nice to be on a server with a few Aussie guilds so that the server is represented during off-peak times.

Finally, I found that three of the seven guilds listed on the titanpad are LGBT guilds. After another brief search, it looks like Eternal Grove has been set as an unoffical LGBT server by the LGBT community.

I've been playing on a different server for the last two BWEs, so I'm curious about what everyone else's experience has been with the EG community so far.
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Well I know on the server we got stuck on -Blazeridge- (I think.. didn't get to be in last beta test, so forgot) the local chat was horrid, just horrid. Thank God Wiz told me how to get rid of it. And the Charr area was very deserted.
I've been playing on Eternal Grove and haven't noticed any LGBT chatter in local or map chat, but I can't say that I've been reading a lot of the chat either. Mostly I've been just paying attention to the voices in my head (ts/mumble).

But, I have to say, if Eternal Grove is moving towards LGBT then it's time to vote on a different server. I think Blazeridge and Loew's Point were popular choices.
Lol... Um... Actually, it might be the only server where people aren't calling you "gay" all the time. :)
Re: LGBT server...

I glanced at Curmudgeon's reddit link, and followed from there the link to info about the Eternal Grove. It seemed to be saying that they were in EG "at least for the beta."

I would ask you guys to think about this... 1) It doesn't seem like a good idea to me to worry about who might be where until the game is on and populations have settled down a little. 2) No matter where we go, language is probably going to be rough... especially right at the outset. 3) I really like setting a Christian guild in "Eternal Grove."

So my two cents is, let's stay where we are and see how things develop for a bit before we go jumping around. If we get into mid-October and it's noticeably different from other servers, we can adjust. That's my opinion, but I'm not adamant about it.
Sounds reasonable, Brydon.

Just to clarify, I wasn't trying to stir anything up, just reporting on what I found in my research of other guilds that were currently on/planning on taking up residence on EG.
Due to population spreads, I ended up on sea of sorrows for bwe2. Haven't really decided on what server I'll call home just yet.
Agree Brydon. Just let things shake out a little, until game goes live no need to get all goofy.
I haven't heard too much about the other servers EXCEPT the Sea of Sorrows. During the town meeting (June), the guild leaders and fansite owners mentioned "the fiasco with the Sea of Sorrows server" during WvWvW. They weren't very specific, but it sounded like the Sea of Sorrows server did poorly in WvWvW on an extreme level.

Just passing on what I heard. I do remember that server by name (and I was thinking at the time, 'I'm glad I'm not on that server.').

I also forgot to mention that I have heard that for the next beta, Anet wants to have 99% of everything done and ready for launch. In preparation, they have taken fan feedback from BWE 2 and made more changes. Specifically, I have heard that three professions are getting changed: thief (a drastic overhaul because the tier trait system messed up the thief), warriors (because longbow warriors are way below expectations in damage output), and engineers (because they aren't putting out enough damage across the board - so engineers base damage is being raised despite Anet trying to avoid that as much as possible, but they are testing to make sure they don't raise it too much because they don't want engineers to be OP either).

So during the next beta test, be sure to give attention to those three professions. Anet will be especially watching those performance figures to see if their changes are ready for launch.
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From what I've seen on Guru, Sea of Sorrows as the unofficial server chosen by the Oceanic community, totally dominated WvW during the first BWE because their population during off hours was so high compared to the other servers they were matched against. That may be the 'fiasco' that was being referred to.

I got the impression from the discussion that they didn't do as well in BWE2, though. I haven't seen a reason given for this.

I know the WvW forum as been abuzz with discussion of how to avoid certain servers dominating because they have large off-peak populations.
Thanks, Kymeric

That explanation fits with what I heard. Perhaps "doing poorly" was due to the off-hours activity. I know that about the time they were discussing that issue, the discussion did veer into WvWvW alliances and off hours.

Any viable suggestions on how to avoid off-hour issues of servers? Any rumors on what Anet is thinking of doing about it?