Farewell for now


New Member
I'm leaving for Iraq on Monday and just wanted to say goodbye (for now).
I'll be back in about 4 months and I wish Redeemed the best of luck in my absence. Please pray for me and my family during this time. My wife has all 4 kids to take care of with no hubby to back her up. Her mom will be here to help out so It wont be to bad.

Before I leave I'd like to say how much I have appreciated the leadership and the attitude of this guild. In my old guild I was not allowed to play how I wanted and was forced to heal and only buy healing gear with my dkp. I have never speced holy or prot with my pally because thats just not how I see a paladin. Regardless of my ret spec I was forced to heal and only heal. This lead to a very unhappy person when I had to play my paladin. Since coming to redeemed I have NEVER once been asked to heal and people generally accept that I fill a DPS slot. This has been an AMAZING turn of events for me as I actually LOVE to play my paladin now. It feels great to actually be wanted and to strike down my foes with righeous fury! It's to bad Blizzard does not share my love of Ret paladins and refuses to fix us, but that is for another time. :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making me feel welcome here! I will miss playing with you guys. /wave
You will be missed Proudfoot, God bless you and your family and we will pray you return to them safe and sound
Blessings, and our prayers go with you for a safe trip, and thank you so much for your service!!!
Going to miss you Proudfeet! Be safe and if you have to come home with some holes in you, keep that to a minimum!
Goodbye (for now). Make sure to take your tier 4 armor with you and set your hearthstone to home. See you back here as soon as you are allowed to hearth back. We are proud of all of you.....not just your feet hehe!
Glad you have joined us and will look forward to you being back with us soon. Time flies and we'll be sitting on the wind waiting for you.
See ya later Proud. 4 months will go by really quick and you'll be back here with your wife and kids and playing WoW with us. Gonna miss seeing people trip over your body during a boss fight. =P
Thank you for serving your country, and for being part of the military to protect the freedom that we are graciously able to have...you will be in my prayers and thoughts
Gonna miss you while your gone, Proud. Jeresther and I will keep an eye on Snapdragon and your littlest feets while you are away. Our Father's grace and protection go with you on your journey. God Bless you for serving God and country.
Wow, not only did Wall post more than 'pie', but he posted something that I'd like to wholeheartedly second.

Thank you, Proud, and Godspeed.
Aye...God be with you and protect you. You and your family will be in my prayers. Come back to us safe and sound and ready to pick up your DPS hammer.
God bless Proud.. and BE SAFE. My prayers are with you and your family.....

PALLYS Rock everyone else is just affraid to admit it :D