I am sad to say this but I feel that some of the non-christian sites and alliances would surely have reason to dislike CHRISTIANS or those that use the label from some of the behavior I've seen on the WoW forum lately. I'm not perfect and never claimed to be, but from my understanding a good sign of a mature Christian is their willingness to accept responsiblity for certain things they may or may not have done to hurt or offend someone else. Unfortunately a lot of the behavior I've seen lately resembles the behavior of our 6 children at home from time to time. I also know that folks have the right to disagree peaceably without tearing each other apart. Atleast that's what my BIBLE says. I'm sorry if I caused any problems in vocalizing a post of importance to me and many others. I never meant for it to get really personal and for people to start slamming each other. My heart was to voice a concern that had already been voiced in person one more time, so that maybe leadership would see that it wasn't only my opinion or voice that felt the way the post was originally laid out. I don't think any of you are awful people, but I am very disappointed. I thought this topic could have been handled more maturely and without all the excuses that were given. When we get to heaven and stand before GOD, and all the things we have done in our lifetime flash before our eyes, are we going to give excuses for what we did, or point fingers at others, and expect GOD to accept that? I think not. Each one of us are accountable for our own actions and no one elses. I for one am again sorry if I caused any trouble by placing this post which I was concerned about and only wanted to help others see if they were willing. Furthermore, I believe that like I originally stated, leadership is a heavy load to fill and that is why we should all be open to listening to others in forum like this and not so quick to shoot each other down. Please forgive me of any wrong I may have had, as I also must forgive those that have hurt and continue to hurt me. I have left the guild named Redeemed and now I am leaving this alliance/organization. I wish you all the best and pray GOD richly blesses each of you. If any of you care to keep in touch with me, I can still be contacted on Emerald Dream server as Ruthee or you can email me at pjntk@verizon.net
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