Faith Healing vs Medical Science

most dont really look at the context, they may be using it because it is one of the many great commissions.

As far as Paul goes i did address that here it is again

[b said:
Quote[/b] ] That goes into spiritual gifts. Tongues if you ask me is one of the "inactive" gifts. do people still speak in tongues? Yes, as much as some churchs emphasize? i doubt that. I believe speaking in tongues( just because of when and where in scripture it shows up), was something to help the people know a message was from God and not a false doctrine. Like i said though we now have scripture to confirm and use as our plumbline.

He speaks of gifts yes, but if you read the later epistles (chronologically) and his later letters he emphasis the teaching and preaching, instead of the speaking in tongues, and faith healings.
Yes, and that letters where some of the first letters written. before much of the spiriture was widely known. nor where elders fully mature in their own relationships with Christ. If you read later epistles like I/II thess/Timothy and Titus he focuses on Teaching and preaching as the spiritual gifts over tongues and signs/wonders.
I already stated this i shall restate it again.

IT was not because of what Christ said, but rather so that the members and body of Christ could discern between false doctrines and what is what God wanted them to be taught through the holy spirit.

Not all false doctrines where nessacarially leading to immorallity.
I'm sorry if I seem confused, and I'm sure you're getting aggravated with me.

My confusion lies in multiple teachings within Christianity. Some say this, some say that. As much as you wholeheartedly believe in what you're saying, there's another Christian that wholeheartedly believes the opposite.
yes there are, hence why we have different denominations, my studies have led me to believe what i believe.

I am not denying the gifts, just i believe that they are not as prevelant many would believe they are.
Why is that? Why aren't they prevelant anymore?

You said they helped the church discern between false doctrines and the truth...sounds like it would be very appropriate today.
Because that was before we had scriptures (the Bible) it was still manly word of mouth and very few letters had been written yet. Now we have the Bible and the scriptures to use..... i really wish you would read the posts this is the 3rd time i have stated this.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] like i said i believe for the most part this was contended to the 12(including paul) and a few others.

There where more signs and wonders during the founding than now because i believe it showed who was really a person sent from God and one that wasnt. Where as now we have scripture to test those who claim to come from God. Then they did not they did have a few letters, but most of the writtings did not become common place till around the second century.

That goes into spiritual gifts. Tongues if you ask me is one of the "inactive" gifts. do people still speak in tongues? Yes, as much as some churchs emphasize? i doubt that. I believe speaking in tongues( just because of when and where in scripture it shows up), was something to help the people know a message was from God and not a false doctrine. Like i said though we now have scripture to confirm and use as our plumbline.

From page two the post i was referring too.
hmmm... tongues is a way of praising god and talking. Jaeson ma said when he changed and was in school he was talking to this girl then all of a sudden:

*jaeson walks away*

it was hilarious!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (SilentAssassin @ Oct. 20 2004,7:25)]hmmm... tongues is a way of praising god and talking. Jaeson ma said when he changed and was in school he was talking to this girl then all of a sudden:

*jaeson walks away*

it was hilarious!
Tongues, now there is a subject! It should be outlawed! The churches have gone so far away from what Scripture meant....grrrrr
It simply meant speaking in another language. For example, my being able to speak Spanish to someone not on my own accord. Benny Hinnish! This same group flops around on the floor like fish out of water, falls out...where is the decency? Where is the order? The money changers had it easy...let Jesus in the middle of that hoopla nonesense!
Did my dalin' evil twin get on here and express her nasty ole' opinion?  

Two of my dearest friends believe in that manner.  If I could be as sweet, loving, kind, and Spritual as they, perhaps I would, too!!  We focus on Jesus and our likeness' of the Word, on that, we part company!

DV? You weren't a Benny Hinner, were you?
Didn't Paul state that speaking in tongues was worthless if no one could understand what was being said?

Going back to Mark 16, isn't the point moot anyway since the earliest MSS don't include Mark 16:9-20?