Extra Credits

Mr. Mask

New Member
Wondering if anyone her watches the Extra Credits show, about game design. It's pretty good, even if you just like games and don't want to be a designer.

If you have watched it, what do you think of it?
Welcome to the forums :) .

Nope I have never heard of it until now. I have so many of my own opinions/ideas about games that I tend to avoid looking at other ideas as I don't want to be accused of taking mine from them. To many times have I come up with ideas to find someone doing it independently afterwords.
Haven't heard of it until now, either. But I'm glad you've mentioned it so I could find out about it. :)

Like Gerbil, I also have my thoughts on game design. I definitely understand the Mighty One's concern with accidentally borrowing (or even being accused of borrowing) ideas from other sources. Still, personally, I like to see how my ideas/philosophies compare to others, so I'll definitely be giving the series a go.

Welcome to the forums!
Thanks for the welcome :). I see we can't edit our posts. Will have to be more careful of spelling mistakes.

You can check out the first episode here: http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/bad-writing
Along with the rest of the series.

It doesn't have much to borrow, it just teaches elements of designing a game--and occasionally uses examples from other games. Wondering if anyone else finds it instructive, since I think it might be helpful.
I ended up watching 20-something episodes yesterday. I couldn't stop. I was too hooked. My itch to put my hand back to amateur development has been growing lately... and this series is pretty much putting it over the top.

...I downloaded the Android SDK last night and am looking into Java (been years since I've worked with the language... d'oh!) and OpenGL work again. haha

I agree that it's more about game design philosophy than anything, and it's petty good. Thanks again for sharing!
That's what happened to me. One day, I found the series... then I watched all of them in the space of two or three days :D.

It's a pity the forum doesn't have a section for aspiring game developers. Would be a good place for conversation.
Thanks for the welcome :). I see we can't edit our posts. Will have to be more careful of spelling mistakes.

You can edit your posts for the first day before it locks I think. It may have to be with you being a new member if you cannot yet.

It doesn't have much to borrow, it just teaches elements of designing a game--and occasionally uses examples from other games. Wondering if anyone else finds it instructive, since I think it might be helpful.

Well if it's like that then I may take a look sometime.

It's a pity the forum doesn't have a section for aspiring game developers. Would be a good place for conversation.

I am too busy developing actual skills to check them out but I found this group long ago. I cannot vouch for them either way but always planned to recruit from there if I ever get to the point of making a game. I'd look but I dream enough as it is I need more doing :p .
I actually know a number of the people over at Christian Developers Network. Just signed up for a new forum account today (I lost my old one from years ago in time). Not a bad place to be.
@TMG: Thank you for the link. Went on the site and chatted on the IRC. They seem like very good people.
Hope you enjoy EC.

Will try and meet you over on that forum, Kendrik. Making an account today.

@Tek: It would be very good if you could make a game design section. I hope it works out. Will make sure to check out the Writing section in the meantime.

Another show, which I am reluctant to bring up, is Sequelitis by EgoRaptor. He swears constantly and unnecessarily throughout it, is the problem.
Another show, which I am reluctant to bring up, is Sequelitis by EgoRaptor. He swears constantly and unnecessarily throughout it, is the problem.
Absolutely love the series despite this. His Mega Man X video gave me not only new appreciation for the game, but it also explicitly explains some of the things I love about older game design and hate about too many modern game designs, especially with respect to tutorials.

I hear he's gonna do Link to the Past vs. Ocarina of Time at some point. Can't wait.
Yeah, though the swearing can be annoying, it still has more good points than bad. Was surprised that EgoRaptor had such a mind for level design with game mechanics.
@TMG: Thank you for the link. Went on the site and chatted on the IRC. They seem like very good people.
Hope you enjoy EC.
Huzzah! Always happy to see new people on IRC. I haven't been on as much this weekend (I usually just pop in and out at random during the weekends), but I'm on during the week at work (though, again, I pop in and out at random, though during the week, it's because of the nature of my job in IT).

Will try and meet you over on that forum, Kendrik. Making an account today.

@Tek: It would be very good if you could make a game design section. I hope it works out. Will make sure to check out the Writing section in the meantime.
Yep, I've spoken with a candidate to lead a merged and updated Assignment Writing/Editors Guild forum, but am still waiting for his decision.

Another show, which I am reluctant to bring up, is Sequelitis by EgoRaptor. He swears constantly and unnecessarily throughout it, is the problem.
Which is a real shame because, as you and Kendrik both mentioned, he has a very sharp eye for game design.
Also been going on the IRC at random, generally when no one's on. Will try to meet you on there, though.

Hope all goes well with the merging. Would be interesting to discuss game mechanics and such (might also be able to talk about how to apply Christianity to a game).