Explain your username!!


New Member
Explain your username or gaming handle here. I'll start:

SirThom -- Inspired by Sir_Ryan. Created when I was signing up for Xbox Live. It would've been SirTom, but that tag was taken, so I improvised and made it SirThom.

There! How about you?
I'm a big Houston Astros fan. I'm from a town called Lufkin, Texas which is about 120 miles north of Houston. I grew up watching and attending Astros games in the good old Astrodome. My original online name was astrosnut but I changed it a couple of years ago to astrod00d. I've thought about changing my name to something deeper and more creative many times but haven't been able to bring myself to do it. So there you have it...
Ok I'll attempt to explain my username....

Shy - because in real life I am shy and
Froggy - because about seven years ago somebody told me about F.R.O.G
(Fully Rely On God)

I guess when you think about it - how could a frog be shy? Frogs are always jumping into things....
Where does babo come from? Well I'm not sure if much of yall played Starcraft back in the day... but anyways I used to play all the time with all of the Koreans, and even though we couldn't really make out much of what they were actually saying... they did say the word "babo" quite a bit... And I just found it to be a silly word and decided to make it my name rofl...

yep! well my name used to be :X so I kinda got tired of being called X lol
actually i do reconize the word babo from SC but thats besides the point

Atown is just a regular nickname derived from one of my brothers friends who didt call anyone by their real name but only made up nicknames, for me it was either a-team or Atown so i liked Atown
I've been Starcrafting for about 7 years and originally my name was Shadow{SOL} . My cool clan was Soldiers of Light.
Then I think after another clan I changed it to Master~Plan. I would say about 15% of the game is truly mental confidence(especially on 1v1). So I made the name for intimidation purposes. As I got bigger stats on Battle.net it really seemed to work too.

I played TFC for a little bit and was a little above average player, but I was always pyro(best class ever) so my name was Fyrebat. I loved pwning on the llama HW guys

When i first started playing cs, and pubbing before I joined toj, my handle was usually "flyboy" but when I hit toj, I wanted a good name. I got "Talon" from halo for Xbox. I use to play with some friends on Halo and thought up the name.
Cool idea for a thread. Here is mine.

WAAAAAY back in the day, when there was only Starcraft and nothing else, I went by BreadFan. Its a name of a song that Metallica covered, a fast metal song that really went well when playing starcraft till the wee hours. Then I moved on and came to terms with The Almighty and picked up Archangel because my real name is Gabriel and I considered the Gabriel from the Bible to be one. Plus I wanted to dedicate my life to living up to what Gabriel is, God's messenger. But after SOO many people having that name I messed around with the spelling and came up Arkanjel which no one else seemd to have.
I used to be GSG-9 back in the starcraft days because I watched a show on the german unit and I thought they were cool. But then when I started playing CS I wanted a change and my dad was watching Gandhi. So I thought I'm indian might as well call me gandhi.
I got mine a few years back from my friends. One of my friends overheard another friend talking in his sleep, he kept saying "Help me Brandon man!" So they started calling me B-man. Which is better then the nickname I got before...which was Franky. Im not going to get into that though. =P
Gandhi said:
But then when I started playing CS I wanted a change and my dad was watching Gandhi. So I thought I'm indian might as well call me gandhi.
There is something distinctly humorous about a forum member with the handle "Gandhi" using a penguin holding a gun as his avatar. ^^
Wonderful thread, Sir! I am thoroughly enjoying it!
Marcylene was a friend of my Mother's, she liked the name and used it! It is my given name:)
Some have asked how to pronounce it:
Mar as in the book of "Mar" k
cy as in the book of "Ps" alms
lene as in "lean" ing on His everlasting arms
There is something distinctly humorous about a forum member with the handle "Gandhi" using a penguin holding a gun as his avatar.

I'm the guy u get if Gandhi snaps and walks into a Mcdonalds and starts blasting. Also didn't Gandhi have little penguin assassins.
My username originally started out as Sweetwater (a name given to me years ago in church thru a man with the gift of prophecy). I ran into some difficulties with that name in the last few years due to filters catching a bad word within it... sigh. So I looked thru my Hebrew concordance (love to find names there!) and found Talori which is "morning's dew". I thought that was a very beautiful name closely resembling the meaning of Sweetwater, so I claimed it as my online name.

You will notice that 2 of my other names in Guild Wars are also of Hebrew origin. I will let you all look up the meanings and you may see how they corrolate with the characters :)
The AI opponent from Hexxagon, an old DOS puzzle game, was called Craniac. On easy, he was represented by a lightbulb. On medium, he was represented by a lightbulb with glasses. If you played him on hard, he had glasses AND a bowtie. I changed the C to a K in order to prevent any possible copyright infringement issues (I'm slightly paranoid) and also because K is an infinitely cooler letter than C. And I don't ever capitalize it, except when I'm forced to do so, as in World of Warcraft. Call me a copycat of e.e. cummings, I still like it better lowercase.

I changed my UT name to Landslide when I found out that a lot of people thought my name was a reference to chronic/cranic, slang terms for marijuana. And Brooklyn_Pete, the leader of LOB, never could pronounce it anyway.

I publish all my musical compositions under the name Shazbot, because I liked the reference to Mork and Mindy and because the first PC shooter I was really into was Tribes 2.
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my name came about from about 5 - 7 years ago when i was really interested in astromany (prob spelled wrong) :P anyways i was looking for a user name and decieded to use the stars, so i went out side looked up picked a star and identifyed it and bamb it became my username :D
Plankeye happend to be one of my favorites bands at the time I started getting online, that and I like the sermon on the mount.
