As a person who has been on the fence about this subject for a while, I just thought I would drop in to add a few choice words to this discussion.
1. People have this stigma that seems to think that Evolution is evil, perhaps it is the mere idea that anything beyond what the scripture has word for word is absolute false teaching and should be dealt with accordingly. However, one thing we must remember that the Bible was translated from the original text, and was modified God knows how many times by the early Catholic Church. This leads me to my second point.
2. Pray. So many people seem to forget this utmost line we have directly to our heavenly Father. Talk to him. I'm sure you've heard the saying "Give your troubles to God, he's going to be up all night anyway", which mind you I probably quoted completely wrong ( Lord forgive me if I did ), but its somewhat close to that.
3. Untested Faith is weaker than broken faith. What is the point in proclaiming that you have undying faith in our ever Loving God, if you aren't willing to test it? Now don't get me wrong, there are people who are just dying to feed the ones who want an alternative to Christianity. Namely the four horsemen of atheism, Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, and Dennett, and they'll try to twist and turn the Bible into 9001 (Yes I know its over 9000) directions to make it sound backwards seven ways to Sunday. However, all 4 of these men (and many other atheists) have been smacked around in debates on God's existence by Dr. William Lane Craig who is probably the leading authority on Christian Apologetics. Another note, he's actually never lost a debate with an atheist, agnostic, what have you, so take that for what you will.
Now I'm not saying in any way shape or form that the Bible is wrong, etc. I would never say anything in regards to that. However, I do say that if you are confused, concerned, or anything in regards to it, then by all means PRAY about it. God knows the answers, and as a matter of a fact he IS the answer. Again I say it though, no matter how it is that we got here, we can ALL agree that he did in fact get us here. Now its up to us to make the best of it until Jesus returns for us.
Edit: A video to add to this, if it helps.