Ever wonder about America's Christian Heritage?


New Member
My brother sent me a link tohttp://www.wallbuilders.com/default.asp recently and I want to share it with y'all. This site is dedicated to American history and exposes the poor job our current educational system is doing in honesty about American history. It is worth checking out and has some excellent offers to those wishing to delve deeper into our real history and heritage.
I've seen sections of the video series on TBN way back and it is exceedingly good and mostly undeniable by the evidence he gives. Things like for the first 100 years of America we had church in Congress. That the ten commandments are literary inscribed on the doors and inside the supreme court. It shows historical African American heroes they don't cover in school (probably becuase they are very Christian). Anyway I wish I had seen it all but it's some major factual stuff which confirms our government's foundations in Christianity.
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