EPGP and you

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one thing your missing Where, you just got back, and people have been running this content for what seems to them forever. most are ready for cat, they are just tired of this old content, which is new to you, but old to them so they are just not showing up to raid which makes it had to get continuations going. meh, hang in there, Cat will be great!

So they are tired of content but only show up for the first 5 bosses and give up? If there was 50 kingslayers in the guild then I could understand being tired of content but I doubt 90% of Redeemed has seen past what I have seen that wasnt in a pug.

FWIW all my kingslayer friends I know are still in ICC killing the LK every week, they aren't "tired" of the content lol. I could of killed the LK on my hunter the other night but I would prefer to work my way through the raid and see the content instead of becoming a Kingslayer on a toon that isnt even friendly with ashen verdict lol
I'm guessing your friends are in "raiding" guilds? You have to remember we are not. I know myself I am raid oriented also, but the reality is that thats not so for alot of the members. But still, i'd rather be in our guild that a raiding guild =)
I give up, if all you want to do is make excuses for the lack of commitment then there is no way we can see LK down on a regular basis, so back to your regularly scheduled forum spam and farming 5 bosses in ICC:P
Different priorities is not the same as lack of commitment. I have been committed to first getting the Salty title on Flame, then my Insane title on Red, and now I'm committed to getting the Loremaster title for Flame. Raiding is fun, but it's honestly not that important to me. It's hard for me to commit to certain times during the week; I like to be able to get on when I want, and do what I want. For many people in our guild, raiding is not the top priority. If I down the LK, cool. If not, that's fine too.

I don't make it a priority to get online for raids (as Bill can attest to after tonight), so I'm sorry if I'm part of the problem. When it comes to skill, I believe I could play in any top-end raiding guild if I were willing to commit the time. But with my priority set - I wouldn't cut it in those guilds. Some people see raiding as the single goal of the game - it's the whole reason they play. Not so for myself and many others in our guild.

In short - speaking for myself - raiding is not a top priority for me, and while I would like to see our guild be able to do it, having the LK down regularly is not as important to me as my out-of-game priorities or even other in-game priorities.
But that was the point of this thread, cuz Bill said the same person is getting the tier token week after week. We only get like 2 tier tokens/week cuz we only make it to about Saurfang.

Pugs are a hit and miss, can be good, can be bad... most are pretty average (fall apart shortly after Saurfang). All I'm saying is if u really want a tier token and u know u have like zero EPGP, taking a chance on a pug might be better for u. I'm just trying to help ppl think outside the box rather than complain to guild leadership. That being said, I have a few toons that are ICC ready, so I can take a chance on a pug and still raid with the guild. If I were to only have one toon, I must admit it would make my choice on who to raid with a bit more difficult.

I will say this too as someone who has been around the game since Vanilla. All the nice shiny epics will eventually become obsolete. There may be an epic that u really want, but sooner or later, there will be something better out there. Don't get caught up with the hype/fad/temptation of the purples and enjoy the game and enjoy the fellowship of your mates. As brootis said before, Redeemed is not a raiding guild. If your goal is to farm LK every week, a hard core raiding guild might be better suited for u, but plz keep in fellowship with us by keeping an alt or 2 with Redeemed. We do not have to break fellowship/company over this. :)

I personally don't see how pugs are the answere. If we are all on raid nights then we could go farther in ICC, and that way getting more loot to go around. Once someone gets a piece, it's not like they'll roll on it a 2nd time.. The whole guild gets geared eventually and we all get EPGP getting there. Sure there are raiders like Flame and Azami who have a ton of EPGP but it's not like they can use alot of the gear there in the beginning. And it's got to go to someone, so show up and lets get some gear outta the 25 man! Don't worry about the loot because it will always drop again. It's only a few months until xpan anyways, so more than anything we should be wanting to down the LK on 25!!
Also, a requirement to get t10.5 tokens is to have a t10 piece to upgrade.

Closing this thread cause there is nothing to argue about. That was just a PSA for Redeemed.
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