Mordos:How does that have anything to do with what where was saying?
I was there the night Redeemed dropped Fester and Rot for the first time and I can't think of Redeemed getting any further in 25 man... So what I am wondering is why do we as Redeemed continue to push on the same content when we can get a lot of people on new stuff that they may have never seen in 10 man... a lot of people have never seen all of ICC or even heroics. So why not start 2 10mans in stead of running 25mans when there are only 21 people in the raid? Makes sense... then you would have more nights to continue those raids and push to LK.
Come Cata there will never be a need fot Redeemed to ever run 25man, we could start now in prep for the new expansion on how Raiding will be
hey peanuht
1. we had been still gearing a lot of returning players up lately, and 25man icc was a great place to do that. we have tried to continue it, but again people need to show up, but the gearing runs are best done with the first wing if you have returning players coming back which we have had a lot of lately and also the tokens drop in the first wing for the sanctification upgrades. also, having a 25man run is not just about the raiding, its one time when we all gather together and fellowship, its a great time for all. we do it to be supportive and to enjoy the fellowship with everyone which is always way worth it. i'd love to be clearing all the wings on 25man too. But, I think were open to starting a few 10mans instead on Tues and certainly if we are short for a 25man.
2. we do a lot of ten mans, and have done a lot of continuations and again, folks need to show up. seems the 10 man runs have been happening a lot on Thur, with continuations finishing up through the weekend and monday....when people show up. if they come, we will run, and run the entire icc through, thats what the officers want and have wanted. lately when we pull 10man continuations back together, we have mixed saves which means those that got saved to the first 10man are not showing up for their continations. come, and we will run! also, would love to do more heroics but need players to show up. Last Wed night, we had a 10man ICC that cleared all the way to the LK, and its extended and we need to get back in and kill the LK, whose game?
honestly, the way they set up ICC is pretty bad, I liked the Naxx set up better where we didn't have to clear a wing before we could do another, you go just go to the wing you wanted, would love to see that kind of set up more and ban the current ICC setup.....I can definitely see where some of our returning players are frustrated with it.