New Member
Just looking for opinion's on what every one thinks end game will be like. Wow was my first and only MMO (I tryed AOC) and I enjoyed their PvE end game very much. And mystic has not talked much about theirs from what I can find from google. I wasent into Pvp much in wow but the RvR in war is a blast and can see where it will only become more enjoyable as the ranks rise
. Just wondering whats in store for pve stuff, would like to know how DAOC worked and if the folks that played that think it will be kind of the same? I know you storm the other's capital after you take the other objectives and theres some instance stuff to do there but if thats the only thing to do on the PVE side will that get old? I understand it will take a lot of work and or time to get to that point but once you get there capital for the time they set then what happens everything resets and starts over? Just some thoughts i have waiting for early start. Kind of tired of getting in the early teens and haveing my toon wiped. Hope ever one is having a great day! God bless!

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