Elite Capture Weekend

I think I'm gonna go after the rest of the necro and mesmer ones on Loew Krug (just a few left). Jagged Bones is one of them.

Other than that, Smoke Trap is high on my list. Guildwiki shows a tip for getting it before getting to the desolation.

I may have to take a look at my monk and mesmer (2nd acct) as well, I just got to Ember Light Camp with the monk and HzH with the mesmer and I haven't capped all that many with either anyway.
i could use Elemental Atunement for my ele...and then Hundred Blades for my Warrior...anyone got 2k? o_o;

Where does one get ele attuneme- *breaks off in mid-sentence to check guildwiki*

oh and I have 2k if you need some $$$ (and that's half my money! lol)