Elementalist - Which one?

Wh1te Out

New Member
If I were to create an Elementalist, which element would be best to focus on that would be useable in PvP and could still hopefully get me through PvE? I'd like Air but everyone else seems to have an Air of Fire, so I was considering Earth or Water. Thoughts?
I have heard Earth is good. You get protection from elemental magic plus great earth armor.
I think the current flavor in PvP is lightning, which is particularly devastating against warriors and often is a direct (no-miss) attack. Earth still is useful as a support role. I think fire is more of a PvE thing (albeit a great PvE ability) and I never hear about Cold. My elementalist is a fire/earth user, but I intend to transition to lightning when I get chain lightning.
I may need to make two.

One E/Mo that specializes in Earth Magic/Protection. This would be the ultimate protection build. And then one that does more damage and uses two magics + energy storage.
most of the ones elementalist builds that i hear of are

spiker (air magic - direct damage)
warder (earth magic - wards and protection spells)
flamer (fire magic - immolation/burning)
smiter (earth magic - smiting skills with earth protection)

there may be other builds, but these are the most common for PvP
well a friend of mine used a water build and there are lots of cool spells that a water build has to offer one of the coolest ones is an elite skill called mist form what it does is: For 8-18 seconds, you cannot take or deal damage from attacks... but that dosn't include magics so that is fun. then there are alot of other attacks like Maelstrom: Create a maelstrom at target foe's location. For 10 seconds, foes in that area are struck for 10-22 cold damage each second. Maelstrom interrupts spell casting when it hits. This spell causes exhaustion. and Ice Spear: Ice Spear flies toward target foe, striking for 10-46 cold damage if it hits. Ice Spear has half the normal spell range... so yeah water build can b fun
The more I play my Elementalist, the more I love her. I absolutely am thrilled that this game offers so much diversity within each profession, and that's before you even include the second profession.

I am very intrigued by Water Magic now. I'm hoping that I don't have to make two elementalists, but if my Earth Magic Protection Warder works out, I will be forced to have a second mage who specialized in Water Magic and probably Fire Magic for damage. So many possibilities!