E3 stuff...


New Member
I originally was going to post this in the Doom 3 vs HL 2 topic, but as I typed I got more and more off topic, so I'm just cutting and pasting it here instead...

re: Doom 3 vs. HL 2...

For me, it's a tough call. I'd say Doom 3, but only 'cuz I'm an ID loyalist. I'd say HL, 'cuz the last one did such a good job with the story and this one looks like it's shaping up just as good. But then again, Rizz is right, neither game is really bringing anything new to the genre.

So who is? Announcements for UT 2K4 are interesting, but we played Assault in the original UT and Onslaught sounds like a combination of Halo and BF 1942 (maybe not a bad thing, but not a new thing either). I've read about this game, Full Spectrum Warrior, which sounds really really interesting, but I don't really know enough about it to really say what it is; only that it's FPS but with a kind of strategy/command elements.

I guess the FPS I'm most looking forward to isn't really an FPS but an FPS/RTS hybrid: Savage. Some of you might already know about this game, but to the rest, imagine two players facing off against each other in a typical RTS match. You've got to manage resources, military units, buildings, etc. Now, all those units you control? Each one is an individual player who has a FPS interface and is receiving commands from the RTS player. I think it should prove to have to some really neat social applications. ("I told you to go defend the left flank!" "But I want to go hunting for spies!" or whatever)

XIII looks good, but only 'cuz it...looks good. I don't know if the game will be as good. But hey...it oozes style, way more than No One Lives Forever 2, so I think it should be tight. Play a game like you're inside a comic book? I'm there.

There's another Strategy/FPS hybrid, although it's more of a Quake 3/Dungeon Keeper combo. It's called Nexagon and it's like of like a RTS version of your favourite FPS deathmatches, 'cept your units can gain experience like an RPG, and you tell them where to go, what to attack (this unit goes and caps the flag while these guys take out the sentry guns). It sounds like a really neat concept.

Anybody else heard about any good games outta E3?
Metal Gear Solid (my favorite game series) is coming out with a new one titled "Snake Eater" (may change?). Basicly from what I gather, you're dropped back into the jungle where it all began. You are forced to hunt and survive without any assistance (aside from codec maybe). The movie looks awsome and can be downloaded at fileplanet.com, some might think it's too deep but I'm definatly buying it as soon as it comes out.
"but only 'cuz I'm an ID loyalist"


I took a look at Savage a while ago. The graphics sucked. Natural Selection kicks its butt.