Drummergirl = bad!


New Member
she gets everyone killed! every time I walk behind her she dies, and then I die! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she jinxes her team. I bet drummergirl has nothing better to do than to think of ways to get me killed. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!1

Drummergirl = bad
Amorphus = good


Drummergirl is a gettingpeoplekilled person.
awww... this reminds me of the times when boys would run around the playground and pick on the girls they liked.... awwww

amorphus <3 Drummergirl =P
awww, this reminds me of the time I used to run around chasing Z with a pwnage stick getting ready to pwn him.

oh wait. I've never done that yet.

/me pwnz Z with a pwnage stick.

hah. now it reminds me of that time I pwned Z with a pwnage stick

Z doesnt get a say on this. he like Good Charlotte.

the moral? Good Charlotte = Z = bad.
so if you let her die... doesn't that mean you aren't providing adequate cover?

maybe you should get out in front

DG > Amorphus (which is why people aim at her first, morph is an afterthought)
i picks dgs team over amorphs any day even if amorph has goose, well maybe not if he has goose but you get the point
dg > amorph
LOL amorph I could so own you anyday, I'm just mad cuz u always choose to come on my team, and get me killed =P As you can tell, everyong here likes me better then you. Me > Amorph Oh ya =D
I had thought up a really funny reply for this thread....but I forgot it. :p

awwwww.. dont pick on dg.. she just like rushing all the time.. that is the only reason she dies is cause she rushes alone.. and she could soooo pwn you amorph!!!!.. anyway.. what i am saying is that we all <3 dg!!
I wish I knew what "<3" meant
Anyway, ya. Its your own fualt amorph if you decide to rush w/ me. But if your gonna rush w/ me, at least run out first and die so I can kill them while they kill you. And dont just sit there watching me die and then wait for your turn