Dropping in to say HI!


New Member
Hello Redeemed :D

Most if anyone probably wont rember me but I played with you guys soon after launch on Alcorn and a few other alts dont rember all the names. Just wanted to stop by and see how everyones been? Are you still enjoying the game? Tell me about it! I went back to WOW, got to 80, raided naxx and now my belly is Full of It and am thinking about comeing back. But then I read the forms and its full of War is failing am leaving doom and gloom, and all the server populations are low and they need to combine servers also the same old destro out numbers order and it makes for an unlevel playing feild. not sure if its that bad I know how forms can bring out the best in people :). So I wanted to see what my brothers and sisters in christ think at this point of the game? Like I said above after a few month and I know we must have a large group at cap are you enjoying the game? And do believe the game will be around for a while to come? I got some hard choices if I do come back my brother in law plays and I guess he had a server transfer and he moved hes destro to red eye mountian so I now have to pick who to play with :(. but any who Just wanted to say hi think about you guys from time to time, and drop in to look at the forums. And wanted to ask a little bit about the state of the game.God Bless you all!
Doom and gloom is just what upset people do. I remember playing WoW in beta, and when it was released. Same thing happened, game had issues, people whined and complained and posted "I quit" threads. They griped over and over about class balance, when in reality it is just LEARN TO PLAY. So yeah, I would ignore most of the doom and gloom.

Majority of the servers are ghost towns from what I hear, so you have to pick one of the 5-8 that actually have people on it. Red Eye Mountain has a good number of players it, so a good server choice. And we need more Order players :)

The game has come a long way in 3 months, but still has a few big hurdles left to jump. IMO they really need to stabilize END GAME fortress raids, which at the moment, crash the server when to many people show up to do battle.

The guild is going strong. It seems like we got a good solid 50 people who play on a regular basis (at a guess). However, we do NOT have a lot of people at rank 40 (the highest rank) who play. Seems most people changed classes once they get towards the high ranks. I think the guild will be able to field a lot of rank 40's within the next few months, will just take time. Could always use another player.
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A lot of why people jump onto lowbie alts so much... all the classes are fun to play. I'm having a really hard time deciding which toon to make my "main" There's only one class that I really didn't enjoy, but it has an unusual mechanic that makes it more difficult (and more rewarding) to play well.

I haven't noticed any significant population dropoff on Red Eye Mountain. In fact, like Ilya said, we're alive and kicking with a lot of people playing. The past two weeks have been an absolute blast with major keep raids/defenses going on constantly in every tier. There's still plenty of people doing PvE content, but the focus is definitely back to Waaaagh!
Also, probably the biggest reason that people leave WAR in droves was because their computers couldn't handle the load. I ended up having to build 2 new systems for us to play, but our computers were 3 and 4 years old.

Mine was actually bad enough that I lagged out on the lowest settings in WoW (I had really been pushing off an upgrade). Today's midrange systems are probably more than capable at playing at the lower settings in non-raid situations. Raids are tough for any pc, even my new one. I can survive in 100-player battles on high-res graphics, but found that it's much smoother and far more playable on balanced graphics.
Uhm, did you delete your toons? I noticed they left the guild within 4 seconds of each other today... and neither of us officers online booted you. (i'm sitting next to the only officer that was online at the time)
Uhm, did you delete your toons? I noticed they left the guild within 4 seconds of each other today... and neither of us officers online booted you. (i'm sitting next to the only officer that was online at the time)

Yea......it was a tough choice but I had to delete them to play with my brother in law. like I said above he has destro toons on the same server and I would really like the chance to play with him being he lives so far away and we dont see each other often any more.One problem being we are in to diffrent time zones so I dont know how much his game time and mine are going to match up. I tryed to talk him into rolling order but hes rank 31 and in a guild thats level 23 so he really dident want to. And being how I was only 19 and comeing back to the game thought I would make the move. Hope if it dont work out I will be welcome back, I really enjoyed playing with redeemed and well be checking the forums still from time to time to see how every ones doing. Hope everyone understands.God Bless!

Certainly! A lot of us make moves to spend more time with friends and family. We understand completely. If things don't work out on the dark side, let us know and we'll let ya come back....with few questions asked. :)

what guild/toon names should we look for? I want to know who to /boast over when I finally manage to kill someone.
Yea......it was a tough choice but I had to delete them to play with my brother in law. like I said above he has destro toons on the same server and I would really like the chance to play with him being he lives so far away and we dont see each other often any more.One problem being we are in to diffrent time zones so I dont know how much his game time and mine are going to match up. I tryed to talk him into rolling order but hes rank 31 and in a guild thats level 23 so he really dident want to. And being how I was only 19 and comeing back to the game thought I would make the move. Hope if it dont work out I will be welcome back, I really enjoyed playing with redeemed and well be checking the forums still from time to time to see how every ones doing. Hope everyone understands.God Bless!


It would've been better for balance had your brother joined us :D

Why is it always I hear "I'm leaving to join family, they didn't know I was playing" and never "Hey, family is joining us, and I didnt' know they were playing"