New Member
Alright, during the past 4 years or so I've been having real doubts concerning whether or not I'm really saved, and I'm worried about this.
Here are several reasons I have doubts of my salvation.
1. I'm emotionless when it comes to hearing about the story of Jesus' death on the cross for my sins. For some reason, I display very little emotion about things, including that. Now, I do have a little bit of joy when I help someone out and feel obligated to someone when they help me out and seek to return the favor, but then again even unsaved people do that.
However, when it comes to the death of Christ, I do shudder about how painful it must have been for him, and do give mental assents of thankfulness for His willingness to do that, but I don't really feel anything emotionally or inside my heart. In addition, at my church when everyone else is in worship standing and jumping and singing praises to God with hands lifted, I'm usually sitting down reading the church magazine.
2. In addition, back in 2002 I trained myself not to cry and told myself that "it made me look weak", and I'm still repulsed by the idea of crying today. Is that a sign of pride and a sign that I'm not really sincere?
Now, when I slip up and cuss or say something I shouldn't, I do feel a little something in my heart telling me that it was wrong, but I read stories of people winding up in tears over even the slightest of things they do wrong. I do ask God to forgive me when I slip up, but I find myself doing it over and over like an unsaved person, and the Bible says that Godly sorrow leads to repentance, which is a change of mind about something that leads to a change of life.
This leads to point 3:
When I read the Bible and find an attribute in me unpleasing to God, I ask God to help me in stopping it, but when the temptation comes I generally fail to resist it. Having lustful thoughts about women when I wake up/go to bed and also having a tendency to get angry at the slightest things, leading to me cussing. I've had those problems for over 10 years, even before I started going to church. My failure to stop these problems has caused me to wonder whether or not I'm really saved.
4. For the past year or so, I've had bad dreams concerning Judgment Day and the Tribulation period. Its often dark, cloudy, and even raining very hard and I'm SHAKING in fear over the idea of having to resist the Mark of the Beast, which is spiritually fatal to those that take it, according to scripture. Now, in those dreams I do not take the mark, but I'm very close to breaking under the temptation and the dream ends while I'm under that pressure. I even had one dream where I was taking this test given by the Lord himself, it was a survey type thing comparable to those things in school where you pick "Strongly agree, slightly agree, neutral, slightly disagree, strongly disagree", and it was three choices per attribute that I had, and I thought about lying and saying that I was good in all areas but decided it was best to be honest since Christ already knew how I was. Ended up back on earth in the middle of Washington DC afterwards for some strange reasons.
I've prayed and prayed about this issue and asked around my family and fellow church people, but have not been satisfied by the answers I've gotten.
I've even prayed to the Lord to save me if I wasn't truly saved, but that doesn't satisfy me either.
So what I'm wanting to know is this: Am I truly saved, and is there a way of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt of whether or not I'm saved?
I need this answered badly, I do not want to wake up on Judgment Day and find myself going to the wrong place due to believing that I was saved when I really wasn't.
Here are several reasons I have doubts of my salvation.
1. I'm emotionless when it comes to hearing about the story of Jesus' death on the cross for my sins. For some reason, I display very little emotion about things, including that. Now, I do have a little bit of joy when I help someone out and feel obligated to someone when they help me out and seek to return the favor, but then again even unsaved people do that.
However, when it comes to the death of Christ, I do shudder about how painful it must have been for him, and do give mental assents of thankfulness for His willingness to do that, but I don't really feel anything emotionally or inside my heart. In addition, at my church when everyone else is in worship standing and jumping and singing praises to God with hands lifted, I'm usually sitting down reading the church magazine.
2. In addition, back in 2002 I trained myself not to cry and told myself that "it made me look weak", and I'm still repulsed by the idea of crying today. Is that a sign of pride and a sign that I'm not really sincere?
Now, when I slip up and cuss or say something I shouldn't, I do feel a little something in my heart telling me that it was wrong, but I read stories of people winding up in tears over even the slightest of things they do wrong. I do ask God to forgive me when I slip up, but I find myself doing it over and over like an unsaved person, and the Bible says that Godly sorrow leads to repentance, which is a change of mind about something that leads to a change of life.
This leads to point 3:
When I read the Bible and find an attribute in me unpleasing to God, I ask God to help me in stopping it, but when the temptation comes I generally fail to resist it. Having lustful thoughts about women when I wake up/go to bed and also having a tendency to get angry at the slightest things, leading to me cussing. I've had those problems for over 10 years, even before I started going to church. My failure to stop these problems has caused me to wonder whether or not I'm really saved.
4. For the past year or so, I've had bad dreams concerning Judgment Day and the Tribulation period. Its often dark, cloudy, and even raining very hard and I'm SHAKING in fear over the idea of having to resist the Mark of the Beast, which is spiritually fatal to those that take it, according to scripture. Now, in those dreams I do not take the mark, but I'm very close to breaking under the temptation and the dream ends while I'm under that pressure. I even had one dream where I was taking this test given by the Lord himself, it was a survey type thing comparable to those things in school where you pick "Strongly agree, slightly agree, neutral, slightly disagree, strongly disagree", and it was three choices per attribute that I had, and I thought about lying and saying that I was good in all areas but decided it was best to be honest since Christ already knew how I was. Ended up back on earth in the middle of Washington DC afterwards for some strange reasons.
I've prayed and prayed about this issue and asked around my family and fellow church people, but have not been satisfied by the answers I've gotten.
I've even prayed to the Lord to save me if I wasn't truly saved, but that doesn't satisfy me either.
So what I'm wanting to know is this: Am I truly saved, and is there a way of knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt of whether or not I'm saved?
I need this answered badly, I do not want to wake up on Judgment Day and find myself going to the wrong place due to believing that I was saved when I really wasn't.