

New Member
Hey guys anyone know where our Mordos has been? Just curious because i havent seen him in almost a month now..:(

Dos where are you???
he removed all his toons from the guild and said "im done with this game"

not sure if he meant just for now or forever
NOO :(( mordos :(( now one of my reasons for thinking of coming back is gone
but glad that you decided whats best for you and your family
Forever... The Dos and all other toons are gone.

Dude. Seriously?

Well... if you needed to do it, rock on. Blizzard can undelete your characters in less than an hour....

Not that I would know that. ;)
WoW is to much of a time sink for me... I've tried to regulate but am unable. Ash I don't think gaming is every out of the question for me...
Nice dude..good to hear that... well it was great playing with ya wal you were back, and i want to do this one last time for the Dos..

/rejuv, /regrowth, /nourish,/nourish,/nourish, /rejuv and /wild growth