Donner Lake


New Member
These pics are from last sunday. The crawdad is sitting next to some ponderosa pinecones which were about 6 or 7 inches long for comparison.


Yes, unfortunately. He stays up very late due to the anti-seizure medicine he is on. So in a sense, he IS a Night-elf. Maybe Night-gnome would be a better term since he's only 4 feet tall, but then again, he is only 5. :)

If I had 300 fishing, +20 fishing pole, +100 Bauber I could catch that crawdad and with 365 cooking, I could cook it. And then, upon spending 10 seconds or more eating it, I'll gain +30 stamina and +20 Spirit? Wild.

That under water breathing buff looks funky. Which one of you ate the Nagrand Cherry?
That would be me. Hopefully I will have some better pics to put on here sunday evening, as we are diving Lake Tahoe which has much better visibility.
pft! i was born in washington and im more hillbilly then some people in north carolina! my grandma and grandpa r from the south and hardcore hillbilly and then my great aunt and uncle r REALLY hillbilly i mean they think diesil fuel heals ANYTHING. and they live right next to each other and so i grew up pretty much over there cause my mom and dad were at work.
Unless they were from West Virginia, they aren't hillbillies, they're Southerners. There is most definately a difference.
Hillbillies can also come from parts of Tennessee or Kentucky, if'n I'm not mistaken.

My wife grew up in Texas, but as she spent her first 9 months in Kentucky, I tease her about being a hillbilly. 'Course, I was born a yankee, so I really can't talk....