Dofus = Free MMORPG

yea i was thinking the same thing, but so far its not that bad, but i liked maple story so maybe im just a loser lol
Works on mac and linux too :D
Maple Story was really boring. Mash a button at that snail for 3 minutes! Wait five minutes to regain health and mana! Repeat until you are level 50 or comatose!

Might check Dofus out...thanks for the link, Sirius.

kraniac said:
Maple Story was really boring. Mash a button at that snail for 3 minutes! Wait five minutes to regain health and mana! Repeat until you are level 50 or comatose!

That's why I like Guild Wars...lots of questing, not just fighting! :) (Though the quests involve fighing, of course.) And lots of different enemies!

Free Guild Wars Factions event this weekend, btw. I have some invites available. Go here for info.
I like Guild Wars for just the oposite reason, lots of fighting, no fishing. It seems in GW that questing=fighting+rewards. I like GW cause it's just a straight up RPG that forces you to cooperate with other people. Though cooperating with other people can be a pain at times, if you ask me it's alot more fun than just running around whacking skeletons until you have 12 of each kind or whatever. WoW may last longer than GW, but it's cheap in the way it takes up time, I had more quality fun with GW than I did with WoW (but I'm still playing WoW cause I paid for a couple of months gosh darn it!).
I like the variety. Some questing, some missions, fighting in both. Can farm if you want to. PvP/GvG is really good.

I agree with you about the "kill so many of this type to get this drop" quest. It can be so frustrating, and it seems to be much harder to get the correct item in WoW than in GW. It also seems to be very common in WoW and much less so in GW.
i played GW for a while and it got boring same with wow. I liked FFXI and Eve online. Dofus is pretty fun been playing it a ton, if you do get in join up in the rufus server (spelled something like that) My name in game is Kazukisan
Well, the reason most people don't like GW is that your character doesn't really feel that unique, and you can only go up to level 20 and the items aren't really all that varied. However, I sort of prefer the way it's set up to all that boring stuff you don't really care to do in other RPGs. GW does get boring after you beat it though (at least it did for me). I dunno, I just think that most people who play MMO's are looking for a free MMO in GW and are dissapointed by the fact that it's pretty different from the others.