Do you believe our christian views are unreasonable?

ChickenSoup said:
I don't know, see, I'm 14

Maybe there's quite a bit you don't know :)

Yes I did see the medical xrays and there was a doctor there to explain it.

Seeing them and understanding them are two very different things.

I would LOVE to hear what this doctor had to say, but let me guess, you have no way of making that known to me, right?

Because most doctors wouldn't record a man who claims to have been healed by God, I suppose.

Oh come on, of course they would! Why would you think they wouldn't? Aren't there Christian doctors? This would be the greatest thing of all time! To have a well documented miracle! Think of the ramifications.

And how do you know it WASN'T? It was quite a while ago. I will try to find that site for you.

YOU are the one claiming the positive, therefore, the onus is upon you to prove your claim.

And besides, half the stuff with evolution is anecdotal, so don't say that. So many assumings and probablys and such.

Right. Science does not assume. Unfortunately, you have no idea what you're talking about here. BUT, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Please explain which bits of evolution are anecdotal. You do know what anecdotal means, right? I think you are the one doing the assuming.
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Dark Virtue said:
There's no need to be narrowminded.

If you take religion as a whole, you would see that Christianity is no different than any other religion.

But then again, you don't want to hear that, do you?

Not about being narrowmind, more about keeping the focus of the thread intact.
You seem to have all the answers Dark. Here's my question....

You continue to ask Christians to prove the existence of God......Where's your 'proof' that he doesn't exists? And let's please stay away from God not healing people, or stopping disasters. Those are the easy want real answers for his existence......then give real answers for his non-existence.

In the mean time, I pray that you find what you are searching for.
Cloud G said:
You seem to have all the answers Dark. Here's my question....

You continue to ask Christians to prove the existence of God......Where's your 'proof' that he doesn't exists? And let's please stay away from God not healing people, or stopping disasters. Those are the easy want real answers for his existence......then give real answers for his non-existence.

In the mean time, I pray that you find what you are searching for.

Eh? You may want to actually read what I post before jumping to conclusions. :)

If I had all the answers, I wouldn't be here. What I have are questions.

I have never, ever, claimed that God doesn't exist. Being a weak atheist, I lack a belief in gods, including yours. I don't have enough proof, evidence or reason to either believe or disbelieve, thus the questions. If I actually denied the existence of God, then I would have to give you reasonable proof as to why I thought that way. Since I have no proof, I cannot deny, even the possibility, that God exists. On the other hand, I see no proof, reasonable proof, to believe a god exists.

Now, since you believe that God exists, you are asserting a positive. There must be a reason for that belief, right? Otherwise (look at the title of this thread) your beliefs are unreasonable. Now, assuming that you consider your beliefs rational and reasonable, I ask why. What is it that proved the existence of God to you? More to the point, what REASONABLE proof do you have?
I was born with one kidney, and miraculously I survived the first few critical years of life thanks to that one kidney being particularly large. Coincidence, maybe... (to you, I mean... I believe everything happens for a reason)

The doctors all said I wouldn't survive, etc. etc., oh the worries, etc. etc., and BAM! I'm here, 14 and kicking (literally, I play soccer ;) ), making it through what the doctors said I couldn't. w00t for me! unw00t for medical science.

Does that make me a living [semi] miracle? I think it shows God was there, watching over me, and nuturing in me a love for pizza the whole time :)
ChickenSoup said:
I was born with one kidney, and miraculously I survived the first few critical years of life thanks to that one kidney being particularly large. Coincidence, maybe... (to you, I mean... I believe everything happens for a reason)

It's not coincidence, as you said, it happened for a reason. It's simple biology. The body is meant to have two kidneys, if one is malformed or missing, the other compensates. I'm sure you've heard stories of blind people having their other senses heightened, right? Do you attribute THAT to God? If you do, start with why an all loving God would let someone be born blind and go from there.

The doctors all said I wouldn't survive, etc. etc., oh the worries, etc. etc., and BAM! I'm here, 14 and kicking (literally, I play soccer ;) ), making it through what the doctors said I couldn't. w00t for me! unw00t for medical science.

Does that make me a living [semi] miracle? I think it shows God was there, watching over me, and nuturing in me a love for pizza the whole time :)

You just answered your own question, unfortunately with the wrong answer. I notice you didn't say WOOT for God. You gave SCIENCE the credit. Let me ask you this...if, knowing you had medical problems, what do you think would have happened if your parents had taken you home and prayed for you instead of leaving you in the hospital, under the care of HUMAN doctors?
Hehe, watch as I tear it apart...

I don't believe Christianity is solidly reasonable at all. There are many, many parts where reason fails, and that's why a lot of posters resort to using the argument-killing words of faith and Faith.
Same applies to other religions.

But I'm skeptical of everything; religion not excluded. In my limited experience, intellect fails. Evidence fails, proof fails, reasoning fails, experimentation fails, statistical analysis fails, science fails, history fails, knowledge fails, religious doctrine fails.
Too many times I am told one thing is proven as a fact only for it to be refuted a minute later by a new discovery. As a result, I use logic only as a tool, and education and learning are but weapons in my belt; not what I believe.

I think to myself a lot of the time: If nothing can be proven to me, perhaps I simply shouldn't be looking for proof?
Dark Virtue said:
It's not coincidence, as you said, it happened for a reason. It's simple biology. The body is meant to have two kidneys, if one is malformed or missing, the other compensates. I'm sure you've heard stories of blind people having their other senses heightened, right? Do you attribute THAT to God? If you do, start with why an all loving God would let someone be born blind and go from there.

You just answered your own question, unfortunately with the wrong answer. I notice you didn't say WOOT for God. You gave SCIENCE the credit. Let me ask you this...if, knowing you had medical problems, what do you think would have happened if your parents had taken you home and prayed for you instead of leaving you in the hospital, under the care of HUMAN doctors?

Firstly, the doctors didn't do much for me. I didn't really need anything, and the medicine they gave me I was allergic to. So, I might have been better off without them! rofl... anyway, in all seriousness, I don't think the body automatically makes something bigger if one is malformed. If someone had one eye, does their body automatically correct the other one, making it huge to compensate for the other? Does the same go for a loss of a limb?
ChickenSoup said:
Firstly, the doctors didn't do much for me. I didn't really need anything, and the medicine they gave me I was allergic to. So, I might have been better off without them! rofl...

Well I don't know your exact circumstances. But your parents took you to the hospital, not church.

anyway, in all seriousness, I don't think the body automatically makes something bigger if one is malformed. If someone had one eye, does their body automatically correct the other one, making it huge to compensate for the other? Does the same go for a loss of a limb?

Do a little research and I'm sure you could clear these questions up for yourself, since I doubt you're going to take the word of an atheist :)

Look at your situation with the kidney. How do you think people are able to donate kidneys? What happens to the remaining kidney? Does it continue to operate the same as it did, or does the body change to compensate for the missing one? This is from the mayo clinic:

As soon as one kidney is removed, blood flow to the remaining kidney increases. In the following months, the kidney starts to work at a greater capacity and grows slightly larger. Within the first year, the donor's overall kidney function is often at 60 percent to 70 percent of what it was before the surgery. This is normal and sufficient for a person with one kidney.

Regarding your question about the eye. If you lose one eye, your other eye isn't going to kick in and get sharper. That's because your body can function just fine with only one eye. Although you WILL have to learn to compensate for the change in depth perception, etc. As I stated above, total loss of vision is different. The body learns to compensate for the total loss by extending the other senses. This is also a trainable skill.

The loss of a limb is a bit different. It requires training the body to compensate for the loss. The body can still function without a given limb.
Learning to cope isn't the same as one getting superior than superior than it was before, it is repeated practice enabling you to use it more than you would have before (i.e. losing an arm and only using the other)

But my main point is all the doctors said I was doomed and I really wasn't.
ChickenSoup said:
Learning to cope isn't the same as one getting superior than superior than it was before, it is repeated practice enabling you to use it more than you would have before (i.e. losing an arm and only using the other)

I think you're stumbling in your terminology. I also believe you need to distinguish between the internal like the example I gave of the kidney and the external which is more in line with the coping you described. The kidney is a great example of what I was referring to.

But my main point is all the doctors said I was doomed and I really wasn't.

Last time I checked, doctors weren't always right.
Obviously there's no swaying me to your side or you to my side, so lets argue about something else. :p
(just kidding, of course)

I think you're stumbling in your terminology

I was tired and grammatical errors were in my text like ugly on an ape.

It shoulda been more like:
Learning to cope isn't the same as one getting more superior than it was before, it is repeated practice enabling you to use it more than you would have before (i.e. losing an arm and only using the other)
My apologies, it was rather stumbling, I agree.

Anyway, I have to go now I'll answer questions later (soccer practice)
I'm sure I seem like I get hung up on terminology and word choice a lot, but I don't think most people understand how important it is.