Discontinuing subsription


New Member
I'm done with this game. WoW may have its problems, this game makes WoW look amazling problem free. I just won my first Massive loot bag in a keep take and in 5 seconds, the chest depawns, and I get screwed. Oh, known issue. To be fixed in the next patch. Great, this is a server side issue that should've been hot fixed the moment it was noticed. And this is not the only issue.

Balance issues, population issues. For crying out loud, every time I log on, Destro is taking Altdorf and Order is powerless against it. What on earth is that about? It is worse then any issues WoW PvP may have had. This is totally unenjoyable.
It is worse then any issues WoW PvP may have had. .

I agree with most you just said. I just came back to war two days ago from wow and am going to give war 30 more days one more time. Wow has the game beat in many ways but pvp to me its a toss up. wows pvp is so unbalanced right now its not funny. The Death knights are a unfair joke they pawn just about everyone as do pallys. I play A cloth class and them two classes kill me before I can even get to my hot bar. Thats just not right. Plate rules right now in wow because everyone has to do the same DPS for pve. so Plate gets lots more mitigation, and resilience helps plate wears alot more than cloth or leather. Am not trying to change your mind or say your wrong I love wow's pve but am here because right now their pvp leaves a lot to be Desired, Unless your 80 wow toon wears plate? Then go 2 shot them squishes! :cool:
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Looks Like I will be transfering Avesther to my sons account or giving my son my account and cancelling his.
Sorry to see you leave Aves.

I agree that the amount of bugs this game has is ridiculously large considering its been out 6 months.

I also wonder why they cannot fix the seemingly little problems (such as chest disappearances) in hotfix patches.

I had higher expectations for WAR, and for the most part I am not very impressed right now.

I understand why you are leaving. You don't need to spend your money on something you do not enjoy.

However, as Icthus has said... with every Altdorf invasion, Mythic has to work faster towards a solution to the problem.

I agree. The game cannot stay profitable in its current state.
I hear ya on the issues, they frustrate me as well. :mad:

However, in the games defense, I find the lower Tiers on populated servers to be very fun.

Any who, peace out :D
This game really shines in T1 and T2 and open field equal numbered RvR. Unfortunately when you get to T4 there is not a T5....
I have to second the sentiment about how bad the game is. I got Kaylynne up to 39 but it is just so hard to get interested to even grind out the last level.

Bugs... Right now I make the Career Trainer NPC disapear every time I talk to him in my current rally point. I had to travel to another quest node to train at 39. Then I went to town to hit up the AH and poof goes the AH NPCs. I swear they got their pathing algorythm out of a qwbasic home computing magazine from 1980. Where is my lion? Oh there he is, he has just ran left around the outside of the entire encapment I am currently attacking agroing everything possible because he couldn't path two feet to the right.

Why is there one handed elf hatchets in the game? There is no duel wield ability for White Lions and don't bother looking for left handed hatchets for high elfs as they don't exist. Hatchets have half the stats of Great axes. White Lions can't use shields. Who in their right mind would equip a hatchet over a great axe? Why are they even in the game? Yet there they are, 2-3 to chose from per every other level. I couldn't find it but can swordmasters even use axes?

Whoever thought warhammer, age of disabling your character and massive AOE would be fun design elements at 40 just boggles my mind.

I actually canceled my subscription last month but it will not expire for another month.

I also agree with cold, pvp on a lower level alts is still somewhat fun to play so I might jump on to do that from time to time until the subscription runs out.
Lower level RvR/PVP is just more fun because you can gain levels so rapidly through battling other players, AND their is not nearly as much CC in the lower tiers.
I'm reaching the point I'm considering canceling also. I spent the entire weekend frustrated with the game. It's a shame - conceptually the game has so much promise. We'll see if the next patch improves things at all.
Sorry to see ya go, brother but its understandable.

I've said this before but I've virtually abandoned my tier 4 characters for now. I had a very similar missing gold loot problem as Avesther after weeks of trying for one. I never liked oRvR even in camelot half as much as the battlegrounds and now called scenarios. So much frustration with tier 4 that it's worth a break from, peeps.

I'd like to remind people of the times when they did have fun. In vent, all together, and many a time playing scenarios or big raids. *Whenever* I'm on, I'm always asking for vented scenarios and we have a lot of fun even when losing. Ako and I tore apart Tier 1 Gates of Ekrund with a virtually unstoppable knight/WP combo tonight and what great fun it was to roll with 2 classes that work well together.

I really think we should put that scenario event together, *and* run them fairly consistently. We all enjoy the lower tiers. Let's just hang out there for awhile?

Another thing..... I think tier 4 'alliance vents' are pulling way too many people away from our vent server. I'm bouncing back and forth between Lions vents and Redeemed vents and its like night and day. Peak hours has about 10 people on the Lions. Redeemed was building momentum until all this vent hopping started... I mean, if t4 oRvR is your thing, have fun and go do it. But if you're not having fun out there, re-evaluate your game goals and join Redeemed vent again!

Hope someone is listening out there...
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I have had some of the same problems you had recently. The game had so much promise, but my tolerence of it has waned. I started my Engineer before they buffed them and it was painfull at times. I then started my Knight and had mass fun leveling him to 30, which was when the ORvR Influence came out. T1-T3 was an absolute blast with him. Hopeful, Faithful & I where in Warbands constantly taking keeps and BO's. Only time we stopped was when our full WB started getting consistently rolled by 3+ Destro WB's

I hit T4 and then Real Life hit me. Weddings, a couple of funerals, wife moving out of state for school, house refi, new position at work. When I did log on a couple weeks later ther server seemed dead. Almost no one was in Altdorf and the T4 battle had not changed at all. Then a friend bought me WoTLK. I installed it to paly with him a bit, realized that the reason I left wasn't the game as much as the people I played with. Too much drama, so I transferred to Stonemaul and level my mage with Redeemed. Now I am sitting at 80 with Avram (Mage) and my buddy who bought me WoTLK transferred over and joined ToJ as well.

After playing both I can see why people are upset with WAR. Bugs on animations still, unbalanced server populations, crashes, 3x longer to log onto than WoW, the blurring effect of characters even when not many are on screen, and T4 being pretty bad.

I still have my account until April. Paid up till then. I have also transferred my toons over. They are now Avram (Engi), Avrams (Knight) and Avraham (WP). I will try to log on soon and see how it feels during this next event. They have until the end of the month to convince me.

The only thing I can honestly say is that I miss the people in the guild in WAR. Fortunatly I still get to play with some of them in WoW.
War had a lot to offer and I was trully looking forward to something different in the concept of player versus player. I'm not the type of person who is simply satisfied with lower level alts because lower tiers are more fun. I like to see progress, getting my toon up and powerfull and kicking some butt. The whole concept of seiges intriqued me to no end. It was not something WoW provided.

I'm not going to compare War to WoW because the two games are completely different. I don't play WoW to get a War experience, I don't play War to get a WoW experience. But Mythic screwed something up. They had WoW, the behemoth of MMO's to learn from as to what to do right and what not to do. And instead of looking to Blizzard to learn how to keep their player base happy, they went and tried to create their own paths down that forest. And that is big mistake.

It boils down to the little things. When the player base is screaming about bugs, you have to show them you are doing something about it. Mythic appeared to completely ignore the problems. They made it worse by not having their own official forums for Warhammer. That is just no way to be transparant in todays world to an extremely finicky paying customer base. I can understand the arguement that forums tend to attract a base of posters that are biased and often unsatisfiable. I read the WoW official forums, and quite honestly, I swear my IQ drops a point every time I do so. But on the flip side, as a member of the quiet majority, when I see a "blue" post that says "We are aware of the problem and are working to a solution." Believe it or not, that puts me at ease. Mythic doesn't have that two way feedback. So there is no possible way any of its player base to know what is truly going on. I know they plan on releasing their own forums at around the same time as 1.2. I'm sorry, that is way to late. 6 months of release, and years of beta and alpha testing, in todays gaming world, this is uncomprehendable.

Unfortunately, there are all kinds of issues in this game. The extremly short period of time a chest is up in a keep take is just one. It ought to be of great emberassment to them that given your actual chance of winning a gold bag, that they can't keep the blooming chest up long enough for somebody to run back after not being rezzed, it is compounded by the fact that at 60+ words a minute, it doesn't last long enough for me to type "Oh my goodness, I won a massive bag in a keep take." And then to say there is nothing they can do about it, they can't even confirm you were there. It is shameful that this can not be done.

And that is simply one of my pet peeves from this weekend. I spent 4 of 6 hours of todays (Sundays) Altdorff seige doing the PQ. Getting no RR points because appearantly after an opposing faction players dies once, you get massive diminishing returns. I spent 4 hours in the PQs and got less then 1000 RR. 4 PQs I appearantly didn't contribute enough to be eligible to roll on rewards and all the other ones, I didn't even come close. The best try was finishing 19th and then rolling to 5th spot for 4 bags. What a joke! The PQ holds 48 people -two warbands- (4 if you include both sides making it 96 people) and not even 10% (not even 5% if you include both sides) get rewarded for being successfull. This system is broken, and it is horribly broken. There are more bags up for grabs on a Keep take. That is how broken it is. All the other times (if I qualified) I would end up 20th to 24th and roll 30 and lower. What a joke. The modifier doesn't help and if you stick around long enough for the modifier to mean anything, you give up what is already pathetic RR because you are killing the same guys over and over again.

Maybe they will fix it in 1.2. The reality is, this is the same system that has been in place since pre release. I can't believe that nobody has noticed it before now.

What about class balance? I don't even want to get started by I'm sick and tired of going up against level 32 black orcs that kick the snot out of me. Seriously now. I'm 40, I have decent gear for level 40\RR 38. I have all the skills and full talent trees. I have 8 levels of career training over a level 32. I don't care if a black orc is a tank. A level 32 should have no chance against a level 40, regardless of career. I understand balance isn't around 1 v 1. That really should be, its not balance around 1 v 1, equal level, equal gear. There is no equality between 32 and 40. And yeah, uhm, thats broken, and it doesn't look like it will be fixed. As a matter of fact, it appears they are making it harder to kill tanks. Brilliant...just brilliant. Maybe, if they listend to their player base, oh, wait. I forgot, they have no means to provide transparent feedback. LOL, sorry.

I really hope you guys enjoy the game. I really hope they turn things around for those who stick it out sakes.
I will be playing through the rest of this 30day sub, but I think it will be the end for me as well, I am not sure yet and want to see how the next patch goes. I am crashing to desktop way to much and in RvR that means I start back at a war camp every time. Last night was the worst. I got stuck way out in a zone after I tried to do a quest. I wanted to get back to some RvR so I used my book/hearth. Nope, it used it but nothing happened. OK well I will use my 1 guild scroll to port to Altdorf, nope, it used it up but I was still in the middle of nowhere. 10 mins later I got to a local flight master and as I took the flight, the game locked up and never left the flight animation screen. I got so ticked I just shut it down.

I love playing with ToJ members but not with such frustrations. This game looks so good and has the most amazing detailed zones. The bugs totally ruin it and its a shame.

I will not be going back to WoW as I just feel like it is the Kiddie Pool. It is safe and easy, there is fun but its not for me anymore. I want a big wide open Lake with dangers and risk and WoW just feels like playing the shallow end of the pool. I will probably go back to EQ2 or maybe Vanguard for my MMO fix. Darkfall looked promising until it had the worst MMO launch of any game before it. Beating AO, WWIIO, and others before it. Sigh...maybe the xbox360 will have to suffice.

Oh and they do have forums up now although they look a little limited and have lots of spin control from what I can tell.
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oh and how is that? I read a bad review on Gamespot but a lot of the readers all gave it great scores. The graphics makes it look really neat.
I'm reaching the point I'm considering canceling also. I spent the entire weekend frustrated with the game. It's a shame - conceptually the game has so much promise. We'll see if the next patch improves things at all.

The patch will fix some class issues, and probably create some. Zone locking will be better for servers with balanced pops, but in our case I only see it getting worse. I also fully expect a larger percentage of Order to roll Slayers than Destro does Choppas; that means even fewer of us in T4.

The #1 problem is pop balance. I can only hope that Mythic will fix it.
How do you see population balance issues being fixed?

One thought I had was hard capping the higher population faction to the actual population of the lower faction. So if there are 540 order online and 600 destro are online, then no more destro can log on until either enough destro log off to leave a population of 539 destro on or enough order log on to bump their population to 601. That way, any imbalance is fixed through normal attrition of people logging in and off during the night. I don't think a 1 for 1 would work but if the population has a gap of more then 5%, the cap comes into place.
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The current issue is not 1 to 1 population rather it is Tier to Tier population.

I am not sure they can cap that without making the RvR areas an entirely different zone.
They should have all the new Free 10 day trials let you level your toon to 20, you get a special trophy, and you can keep it for retail ONLY if it is Order... and Mythic gives you a list of servers you can move it too.
The current issue is not 1 to 1 population rather it is Tier to Tier population.

I am not sure they can cap that without making the RvR areas an entirely different zone.

It was a thought, probably better suited to the overall population issues.

It is possible that one could entice people into higher tiers quicker by offering the faction with the lower tier populations more renown points, or even more victory points based on the population imbalance of that tier.

If Destro outnumbers Order by a factor of 1.2 to 1.0 in tier 4, then Order could receive 20% more Renown and 20% more victory points for completing and taking objectives. If it is Order to Destro 1.1 to 1.0 in tier 3, then destro in T3 will get 10% more renown and VP, even though they are on the same server. Such a split may cause Order to get to T4 faster to get the 20% bonus and slow Destro to T4 so they can hold on to a 10% bonus longer.

In the long run, it might well cause an equalization of pop in each tier unless there is a server wide population discrepancy, which can be capped with server pop controls. Order would want to very quickly get into T4 and some T4 destro may want to start lower Tier alts. Especially if those VP's can be used server wide, not just in each tier. ie...T1 scenerio wins contributes VPs to T4 city captures. It would cause destro and order to shift out of the tiers they have the VP disadvantage into the ones they have advantage, overall causing better balances. In my opinion anyway. I'm sure there are holes in the idea, but its the best I could do on a 5 minute break!