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Even realist can have hope

I got nosey and snooped into your backyard, I hope you don't mind! That is an amazing spider...and other thingy! Beautiful creatures! Really good pics! My family and I love the outdoors and we were discussing recently how we are seeing some wonderfully strange bugs like we have never seen before. Those two fall into the category for me.
Thanks! That was my first go with our digital camera.

I had never seen spiders like that, but it seems they are pretty common.

The girls hate them!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Dark Virtue @ Jan. 16 2005,2:23)]Thanks! That was my first go with our digital camera.

I had never seen spiders like that, but it seems they are pretty common.

The girls hate them!
tell me where you live, so that i may never move there. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH im creeped out just by pic....ahhhhh :;feeling itchy now;:
Yeah that spider looks crazy, I was scared of a black and white zebra looking spider I saw in my backyard last summer, but that looked freaky.

I guess with all the different foods being imported in to north america we have spiders from other countries coming and maiting with our local spiders and making super mutant spiders.


But yeah we have these 6 inch spiders in our area and I tried to kill one once when I saw it in the living room and their fast, I couldn't catch it.
Depending on where you live and the type of dog there are numerous animal rescue operations. I would venture to say the dog is sick and will cost the owner to heal it. This is one primary reason for animal abandonment.

A quick internet search for dog rescue and maybe a breed should help you out.
I am thinking we need to do a DV rescue search! He truly may be in the belly of Bowser!
Is it possible that his wife had him put to sleep? :eek:
Ba ba baaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
(my rendition of Taps)
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SA, try 11 posts up from this one, under the Zero linkylinklinkthingy, then under the backyard link.


10. No Internet access. Wife gave Zero the house, DV gets the doghouse.

9. Spiders got em'!

8. He decided to take the Creation Museum field trip without us, he was awestruck and is now living and working there.

7. He and the family are now residing in Africa. They decided the animals would be better suited to wide open spaces.

6. He finally got to see God!

5. He converted to Buddhism He was last seen sitting Indian style/chanting.

4. Alcohol poisioning/Sky Vodka.

3. He is working tirelessly to try and find more Scripture passages to refute.

2. He is off traveling various message boards; his most favored, Benny Hinn.

1. Take a good look at that cat on his animals link...see that sheepish grin?...it got his tongue!
lol No worries, he knows I love his very soul. And believe me, he dishes it out much worse to me!! :)
Truly, Jim, Mr. Bill, and DV have been on my prayerful heart.
Just an Idea and I did not read the whole thread. If you call around to various Veterinarians (I educate and and install specialized Veterinarian Software.) Someone will know of a shelter that does not destroy animals. I have no idea where you live, but if you get intouch with the right people they will come and collect him and treat him very well.

Call you local Vets and expolain the deal to them, Stress you do not want the Dog destroyed. Someone will be able to help you.
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