Devona's Tavern - the new Off-topic thread

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Oh, I love vanilla frozen custard (way creamier than ice cream), topped with fresh peaches or strawberries! Mmmm...

And on the subject of the Golden Rule:
"Do not do to others that which would anger you if others did it to you."
- Socrates
I always thought the golden rule was "do unto others quick befor ethey get the chance to do it to you"

No W8 "he who has the gold makes the rules"

Dern I'll get it right in a min "Do unto other quietly and anonymously so they won't know it was you"

Almost..... I know it's in here somewhere " do unto others as you would have them to do you" I FOUND IT YEAH!

Yeah, Jesus's version was way better. It's an active rule; it goes beyond "don't do bad things" to "go out and do good things." Passively sitting by isn't an option in Jesus's book!

I posted Socrates's version solely in response to previous posts.
:confused: What's that mean? You didn't think I thought that was from Braveheart, did you? Of course I know that's from Henry V. It's probably my... 2nd favorite Shakespeare play (behind Hamlet). I was saying that William Wallace's speech in Braveheart isn't nearly as good; although, sadly, it's much more widely recognized.


PS- I agree, great movie!


Sorry about that :(

Braveheart is another great movie.....although i'm not sure I'd run into battle with no underwear on.
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oh come on! cant you imagine being able to move freely... just watch so that you dont get your skirt flipped up.. or shot with an arrow in your hiney
.......i remember running track......i still don't see how they could have done the 100m dash in early greek olympics.......OOOWWWW.......
I was in Scotland with my high school a couple summers ago, and a few of us guys bought kilts and went around the city as.... real Scots. (in a manner of speaking...)

the only commando i ever did was creating commando weapons (sniper and that stuff) for a school spirit day...adn got them confiscated for being too real\
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