Devona's Tavern - the new Off-topic thread

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nah they would be like "zomg n00b i just did ring of fire solo, go do it urself"
gosh darn pagans. pirates are kool though, im doin a paper on em. there were actually several really respectable ones. and the wierd part is, they always say "stick to the code" in pirates of the caribbean, but there isnt anything in Bartholomew's by-laws that states if a man falls behind hes left behind so its wierd
I'll not ruin your joy, mist, of a hundredth post by pointing to my post count :P

gosh darn pagans. pirates are kool though, im doin a paper on em. there were actually several really respectable ones. and the wierd part is, they always say "stick to the code" in pirates of the caribbean, but there isnt anything in Bartholomew's by-laws that states if a man falls behind hes left behind so its wierd

Respectable pirat0rz: Henry Morgan (I think)
you'll meet me out by the bay, maybe eat some hay, what do u say? i just may
I don't really have anything to say. However, i really feel like saying something. wierd. I probably end up writing a huge post on nothing. You probably should save yourself some time and stop reading this. Hey, that reminds me. Once we had to write a speech for english class so i wrote my speech on why i should not be writing this speech. It was hilariously. The class loved it and I got 100% on it too. Anyway, i still have nothing to say but i don't really feel like doing anything else. Im also low on sleep if you can't tell. I have way too much to do today also. I have to go to calc class in a few minutes and then i have to do science fair for the rest of the morning and afternoon, and then in the evening go to a workers meeting at the Pizza place where i work. Oh well. Life could be worse, at least i still get out of high school for president's day :) . Anyway, i've wasted enough of your time. Have a great day all and avoid long pointless posts like this in the future.
Wouldn't you church, working of network stuff....get in the car to leave and realise......I've completely missed the Bible study..... :(

Time just slipped away from me........

I'd say that's the enemy at work......
it was reeee good i took the liberty of showing you the participation
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