Dedicated TeamSpeak channel

Tek7 (Legacy)

CGA & ToJ President
To create a permanent channel on the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak server for Tribe of Judah's Dark Age of Camelot, I will need the following information:

- Channel name
- Channel topic
- Channel password (if any)
- Description
- Max users

After you discuss and agree on a final draft for all these fields, e-mail this information to teamspeak AT cgalliance DOT org and I'll create it as soon as possible.

Also, if any of you would like moderator rights on the TeamSpeak server, please submit your request to the above e-mail address.
Seems we have consesus, consesis, er consinses,

Seems we all agree on having a teamspeak channel. I don't fully understand all the choices, so what are your suggestions on the following?

- Channel name

KOtT ? Trinity? TrintyKnights?

- Channel topic

topic? What exactly is being asked here. I'm not familiar with the different teamspeak topics.

- Channel password (if any)

we probably won't want a password

- Description

"Knights of the Trinity - Albion/Percival on DAoC" ? too boring?

- Max users

20? should cover the bases?

What do you think? And no, I don't believe teamspeak takes up much bandwidth at all.
Here are some suggesitons. <discuss>

- Channel name Knights of the Trinity
- Channel topic Guild Teamspeak Channel
- Channel password (if any) Non needed
- Description This is a channel for the Knights of the Trinity guild on Albion/Percival in the game Dark Age of Camelot. All are welcome to join and listen/chat, but please keep it clean and obey the modorators.
- Max users 20 would be good.

Channel's been created per Thad's specifications (with a slight correction for a typo).

For more information about TeamSpeak and the Christian Gamers Alliance TeamSpeak server, read this forum thread.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the TeamSpeak server, please e-mail them to teamspeak AT cgalliance DOT org.

Malohaut: If you would like admin access to the TeamSpeak server to edit this channel's settings, send me an IM or e-mail with the username and password you'd like to use for your admin account.
Okay. This is what you do for teamspeak. First, you download and install as per the link Tek gave above. Once its installed on your system, open it up. Once the window is up and running, click on (CONNECTION) menu and select (CONNECT). Now fill in the following information:

LABEL = Camelot (This can be anything)
NICKNAME = Malohaut (Preferrably your Camelot name)
DEFAULT CHANNEL = Knights of the Trinity (one space between each word)

Now click the (CONNECT) button on the bottom and you'll be connected to our DAoC channel.

To set your volume controls, just go to the menu option (SETTINGS) then select (SOUND INPUT/OUTPUT OPTIONS) From here, you can select your voice volume, and set it for voice activation, or to hit a key to speak (like walkee talkees).

Now, just have fun. I hope to hear from you soon! And literally too!
The TeamSpeak Sever is still avaible. As we revive the Guild and grow we can us this wonderful tool to its advantage!

God Bless
MontrezAnthony said:
The TeamSpeak Sever is still avaible. As we revive the Guild and grow we can us this wonderful tool to its advantage!
If you do want a permanent channel on the TeamSpeak server, send an e-mail to teamspeak AT cgalliance DOT org with your request.