DAAAH, da DA da DA da

Well if not then---------Hey Halonic, did you now that your character looks like you? ---------

See this is a perfect exampole of a quadruple spam post!!!!
I can't believe you don't know the difference between folding or wadding... and I can't believer you're a folder!! I assume also you eat your toast butter-side down and like CA oranges better than Florida's? Despicable...;)

Hmm i never said i was a folder did I? I dont really eat toast so thats out of the way ....and i live in florida so why pay 1.19 for a nasty orange when i can get the best ones in the world in my back yard?
i try to only single-post, typically mods get mad when you double or triple post, sometimes suspend you if more, from my experience.
great... just what C$ needs another spam buddy :p
better get a chair and watch the post counts rise