Custom Maps

I'm actually looking for a plug-in that will give voters more than one choice of maps. Also, I'm going to put some custom maps on the server however they will not be in the rotation.

Snow is still on the server and can be played if an admin does the "admin_vsay" command. I think I need to change the CFG file to make it voteable.
rockthevote was frequently abused, and we ended up chaning maps more often than playing.

Elite I like the idea of adding all standard maps + CAL maps.

Tek assault_upc rocks standard assault! Lets make the switch already.
I def'ly want the diff Assault maps on, I think Assault is a solid map and the modded version is even better.

it would be a good idea to have custom maps and cal maps that are going to be on server to be zipped and available for download from toj site...TOJ Map Pack 1
Yes, we currently have some map packs out there:

Go here to view them. I will recompile the ones I upload and re-distribute them.

Let me know if you guys have any questions.
Micah, CAL maps only on a pub server? What for? I will include them in the rotation because they are fun and challenging but I don't think they should be the only maps on the server...unless I'm totally mis-understanding you?
Well, there are some "serious" players out there that would rather have CAL maps on servers because they want to "practice". Basically they don't want custom maps because they want to take what they have learned from their "practices" and use them in scrims/matches.

And then again, theres always just those people who overall dispise a custom map of any kind

But we also have to keep in mind that most people come to our server to have fun and enjoy themselves. A good percentage of ToJ members really have enjoyed the custom maps that we have had on the server in the past.
Yeah...what para said elite
fy maps can really mess up your scrim style and pubs for the matter (unless your there for target prac with certain gun: ak/colt/awp/deagle/usp.
Ok, but that most likely will not happen (putting only CAL maps). Sorry bro..maybe when we get a private server?