Crystal Cave of the Giants - Discovery of the Largest Crystals on Earth

haha, i'll be e-mailin my former geology paper about this
Anyone spot the similarity? Anyone?


Well considering Superman had his FoS first, I'd say he is the winner hands down. Plus judging from the other pictures on the site they look more like they belong in the FoS.
See I thought you were comparing outfits. Cuz that spelunker's outfit is like, my dream outfit. I'd so rock that out for any formal occasion.
I'd wear the head-mounted flashlight.

As for the crystals, I wonder if they're going to leave 'em or harvest 'em.

Side note: Diamonds aren't rare at all. Their market is artifically inflated by the rich big-wigs holding back the supply.
Side note: Diamonds aren't rare at all. Their market is artifically inflated by the rich big-wigs holding back the supply.
True story. There's a fine sum of money to be had by intelligent people without ethics.