

New Member
What would you say if a sixteen year old Christian male decided to strike out on a campaign to bring people back to God by walking from town to town, simply telling the people what God says?

Nothing fancy, wouldn't have much, this kid. He would have to forsake his education. He would be totally reliant on God to provide food, shelter, and love as needed. He would be straightforward, even blunt. He would not sugar coat things to make other religious standings and other people feel comfortable about it. He would state the truth about God and about His love.

What would you say?
I'd say - "Keep walking. What the hell gives you the right to go around telling people that your God is better than their God? How arrogant are you, to think that God singled YOU out for the life of a medicant preacher, rather than a vanilla role as a normal person? You might think that what you're doing is cool, or you might think it makes you better than everybody else - but living life is a hundred times harder than what you're doing. You're a drop out. A cop out. How can you eschew modern life and then presume to tell me how to live it?

You came a long way to give me somebody elses message in somebody elses words, because you haven't got either yourself."

that kid has more faith than me...I can't drop everything unless God made it very obvious for me to do so.
I'd say, Vanaze, you stay home. Stay home and suck it up until you're 18. Don't just stalk out. I know your family's got problems, especially Church probs, as you've made mention before. I don't think this is a hypothetical situation. 'Sides, we're to honor parents that all may go well with us. Unless they say, "Kudos and farewell," then you might wanna hang around.
Eon, on that note, would you say that to Girl Scouts? "Who gives you the right to say your cookies are better than mine, just because you have half of America behind you? That doesn't mean your cookies are better than mine! And I don't sell mine! Get the heck away!" The right is this Eon: free speech, free will. We can do as we please, as we've made mention. If we follow what GOd says to in Matthew 28:19-20, to go out into the world and to preach the Gospel to all. So, uh, obey you, or obey God, huh?
To you Vanaze, I would say this to your friend:

Judges 6 : 36 - 40 "Gideon said to God, "If you will save Israel by my hand as you have promised- look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said." And that is what happened. Gideon rose early the next day; he squeezed the fleece and wrung out the dew-a bowlful of water.
Then Gideon said to God, "Do not be angry with me. Let me make just one more request. Allow me one more test with the fleece. This time make the fleece dry and the ground covered with dew." That night God did so. Only the fleece was dry; all the ground was covered with dew."

If it is truly God's will, then ask God to help him see it clearly. For there are many demons who seek to act like angels of light, and this person needs to pray to God earnestly for definate spiritual nudging before embarking on such a mission.

As for those of you who replied to him, I say this to you:
Acts 5 : 35 - 39 "Then he addressed them: "Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."

I know you care for this individual and that you think it best if he does stay home and take care of things at home. But God does make plans, and he does use people in the most extraordinary of ways, even if we don't know about it or understand. So be very careful of the advice you give someone, telling them yes God said this or no, its a false God. You never know when you'll be fighting for good, or fighting against God.
"Make sure God wants you to do it."

to Eon- "Offended by someone telling you you're wrong eh? Want to shut them up eh? Want to infringe on their rights by telling them to shut up eh? Maybe you need to hear what he's telling you, stuck-up professor."
eon would have just as much of a right to tell them to shut up as he has a right to tell eon about God.

on Mr. Eon's behalf granted I've had to edit a couple of his posts
Even so, he has always been respectful. The minute this forum is not open minded is the minute I leave. I would not have learned half about other religions and beliefs is it wasn't for forums like this. Please people, let's be tolerant and loving to all who come here.
On the one hand, guys, Vanaze never necessarily stated HE would be the dude to pull a Pilgrim's Progress on us. But I think he's talking about himself, in a theoretical manner, to see what we think about him going off and doing it, without ever saying his name actually.
And to He said his mind. Let him. This is a free forum. He can speak as he pleases. Because he expressed his mind is no reason to ban him Shark, or we can ban you for your "perverted' ranting on some games a bit back. And me for talking about religion and being mean on some posts.
<grins> "Embrace your hatred, Shark, through it you will come to serve me."

Seriously, is that how you see me? ;)

Vanaze asked what I would say to this hypothetical guy - and I gave my hypothetical answer. If it truly IS him, and he asked me for specific advice, I'd keep the core message and trim the sarcasm.

Of the two choices, dropping out and living life, living life is the more difficult. Travelling from place to place in order to avoid what you fear, is just a form of running away, no matter whether you dress it up as a pilgrim's progress.

How is spreading the Word, obeying God, dropping out of the race? We're in fact struggling for it by doing that. IT's dropping out when you don't do anything about it. You're a pathetic Christian, a weak one, perhaps a nonexistent/lukewarm Christian, both of whom God shall reject. God can't be hot/cold about something, he's either hot or cold about it. We can't be "Well, God's good for some things, but otherwise I'll just keep to myself and be quiet and all that." Besides, He says that if you deny him, He shall deny you, or if you don't acknowledge Him, He shall not acknowledge you.
I don't hate you eon, God wants us to love eachother, but I hate what you stand for. The way you attack God and the way we are to live and think in your posts is disgusting. I pray for you, I really do. My patience grows thin after dealing so long with trying to reason with the atheist way of life. It is living blind. Truthfully, though this may sound harsh and unwarranted, you are crazy to stay where you are. There is nothing of worth to gain by not accepting Jesus. There is everything to gain by accepting Christ as your Lord. Every post that contains something against what God stands for drives me with an urge to bash you over the head with a spade until the impression of your skull can clearly be seen in it. I've never had a long fuse. Maybe you should think of it this way, if someone was talking very foul and wrong trash about your mother, youd be angry right? Well, if you have a good mother anyway. This is far stronger then that. Many people wouldnt hesistate to hit someone if they had been talking that way about their mothers. Think about if they were christians how angry they would be if they saw you say, "What the hell gives you the right to go around telling people that your God is better than their God?" Then perhabs you may have some clue as to what reflexive action your posts can generate. Oh, and also, I'll tell you what gives us the right. He is better then any other God, and He is the only true God.
Well, is it just asking too much to ask you to see things from the other fellows point of view? Perhaps you're aptly named, Shark, because all you've done is attack, attack, attack - never once considering that you are committing exactly the selfsame sin you accuse me of, notwithstanding the fact that you expect me to banned for comitting it!

Since when was hypocrisy part of Jesus's teaching? Wasn't he the one who cast aside the Pharisee's for preaching redemption whilst practicing tarnation? (I know the real word, but for some reason one of my all purpose utility words is considered a profanity here!).

Everything I do here is in an attempt to get you to have to come to terms with the fact that there ARE other beliefs out there. And that those beliefs are not held by satanic devil worshippers, they aren't held by stupid faux-rebellious kids or trendy "wannablessedbe's". They are held by people with firm convictions, people of at least moderate intelligence and people of experience. If you find me too extreme, talk to Kohael - he's a Wiccan, and he's here too (for slightly different reasons than me, I believe).

The last time we let you people demonise us you unleashed a millenium of persecution, torture and death on us. We're not going to be quiet and assume that if we don't bother you, then you won't bother us anymore. Like it or not, you have to share your world with people like me, and whether or not you ever agree with me, you'd better get used to dealing with the fact that I'm here, that I exist and that I'm not alone.

"I can kill you with one finger."

"Every post that contains something against what God stands for drives me with an urge to bash you over the head with a spade until the impression of your skull can clearly be seen in it. "

Wow.. you're a violent sociopath, then.

"Think about if they were christians how angry they would be if they saw you say, "What the hell gives you the right to go around telling people that your God is better than their God?" Then perhabs you may have some clue as to what reflexive action your posts can generate."

You'll notice that this board is comprised near entirely of Christians, and you're the only one who's gone off the hook. May I suggest anger management classes?
Sadly, you only hear what you want to hear in the way you want to hear it. If you think that all of us have never had times where we were not christian, what was the point of salvation? We all know there are other views of the world and life because we used to live them. Wanting you banned was something out of rage and confusion. I may not know right now whats right in that matter, but I did do something wrong there and I'm sorry for that. Real christians never persecute or demonise anyone. The crusades used christianity as an excuse for those peoples true motives, and they bent around the word to fit them. And for all of us that are true christians, and have our faith, know that every word you say to try to convince us of anything other then what God has said, is in vain. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, that he rose after 3 days, and is Lord. I do not beleive in evolution, or anything else that is against what the bible teaches. Not because of physical proof, not because of any persons intentions, but because I know Jesus. There is not a day that gos by, now, that I dont talk to him and feel his presence. You can think me crazy, you can think me stupid. But if you knew him I guarentee you would not be as you are now. If you have thought it in your mind that christians consider themselves perfect or better then anyone then you should look to the bible, and indeed Jesus Himself. As christians, we are to live to serve others before ourselves and humble ourselves. Helping people not in pride or arrogence, but in lonliness of mind. And I would rather die before I became an athiest or pledged allegiance to anyone before the Lord. I don't think I'm better then you or any athiest or muslim or buddhist or anyone else on the face of this earth. But I've accepted someone that everyone on the face of this earth should accept, and I shouldn't have to say anymore.
Hi. I don't want to address the whole shark vs. eon thing, cause thats ganna get messy. But I want to talk to you about the whole don't tell other people they are wrong thing.

You said we should respect other peoples religions because they have strong convictions about their beliefs. Personelly, I do. But how come you can't respect our convictions either?

Our convictions say that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven. If you had any openmindedness at all, you would be able to respect our beliefe and not harass for it. You instantly come to the aid of any other religion that would be attacked, so why don't you defend Christians when they do what they think is serving their God?

On a side note though, I understand that he really shouldn't be free loading like that. I reckon that God wants us to work hard for a living. I think missionary trips and that are great, but it should be handled well. Take out a loan from the bank, have a church help pay, but then after the trip is over come back and help earn some/all of the money back.

I have a lot more respect when people work hard for money and a good relationship with God. Look at Jesus, he fed thousands of people, basically without anyone else's charity (I assume he fed the little boy too).