Crazy things you've done in WoW

Exploring just about every inch of Azeroth, Khaz Modan, and Lordearon within about three weeks of playing WoW (and then explored Kalimdor at about lvl 40 with Melko).

Being late to the CGA convention, because that was the week I first got WoW. :D

Duoing Eranikus with Anadi, and then later trying to solo him.
Melko: Mostly soloing stuff in the lower instances like Noxxion and Razorlash in Maraudon but I'd say i'm most proud of these.
1. Ganked people who were pvp flagged inside Orgrimmer then hugged Thrall.
2. Solo'd Barov, managing to kite him all the way up to the Scarlet Monastary.
3. Solo'd Borelgore in the Eastern Plaguelands. (has around 47k hp)
4. Solo'd Araj the Summoner in Western Plaguelands.
5. Visited Hyjal.

1. Pickpocketed every guard in a game of AV.
I once soloed the Ancient Egg quest on my priest at a low level.. I actually death ran 25 times through Jinathor and into the cave. Rezzed at the egg, feared the mobs, shielded and looted FTW

My guild had said it could not be done so I had to prove them wrong.
sat in a dark room for hours on end staring at a lighted screen "talking" to different people from all over the world doing random 'quests' to get gear so i could 'kill' them and show the virtual world how l337 i am.

Oh you meant....
Starting at BB, swimming all the way up the eastern continent, going across the top, then swimming all the way back down it, and ending back up in BB
Tamed a lvl 9 pet at 60, and lvled it all the way to 58 and soon it will be lvl 60. Alas, the crazyness is almost over.

On Odale, I circumnavigated my way around Eastern Kingdoms, found some Elf ruins north of EPL, Discovered that the northern bit of EPL does NOT exist, and I have screen shots that FJ needs to post to prove it. The Peninsula south of Silverpine Forest also does not exist.

Klangdon has jumped off the "Diving board" (broken bridge in Hyjal that looks over Felwood) using the Noggenfrogger Elixir:You feel Light headed effect along with his epic mount - floated OVER Felwood and half way into Darkshore before dieing.

Icthus, Avester and Osirys visited "The Red Room" in Orgrimmar, held it for a few hours before being over run by horde.
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I swam down the coast from Auberdine to Desolace because I was to lazy to go all the way through Astranaar.

Oh Floated from the edge of a waterfall in Feralas and got stuck on a ledge 1/2 way down.

Ran through Stratholme with Alhana when the server was crashing and fell through the world eventually hitting water and falling more.
ewoksrule's craziest thing was getting sucked into WoW from GW... COME BACK (and I use her true name here) SYDNEY ABLAZE!!

Heh. Anyway, you guys have done some pretty crazy stuff...
ewoksrule's craziest thing was getting sucked into WoW from GW... COME BACK (and I use her true name here) SYDNEY ABLAZE!!

Mad Dogg!!! noooo you mentioned the dead Ablaze family name! It seems like ages ago that I lived in that world. I miss Sydney and Indy and of course, all you guys. You know, not only did WoW steal me for good, but I messed up and got perma banned from GW so I can never go back to Syd. :-(

Tell Wild Bill, Dredd and Loew Hi for me. I really should stop by the forums and say hi to you guys, its been too long. And not like its just a link away or anything.

(Before I was hopelessly addicted to WoW and <Redeemed> there was GuildWars and the <Spirit of Elijah> guild. I spent a ridiculous amt of hours in that world as well)