Council Chambers


This thread is intended for the gathering of council members as well as the formation of the council, which will be very important for the guild. You don't have to be playing the game to be involved because its decision making and guidance that are most important.

So first, we should see who wants to be a councilmember and help to lead this guild. I'm more of a 'judge'. And when I say 'judge', I don't mean leader and I don't mean the head of a court. In the bible, the 'judge' was the person who people came to for advice and such. I think God's original plan was to allow His people to govern themselves before they asked for a king. But as it was told to Moses, one man should not have all the responsibility, but should be divided to the elders, or to a trusted group to help out. So that's where the council comes in.

For those of you who want to be on the council, I have some suggested ideas for us to try for the guild. For now, I'll just post my thoughts on membership. Then later, once we're formed, we can discuss other ideas.

As we know, there is a Christian guild on Percival/Hibernia, so there aren't many Christians in Albion. But that's okay. We can still proceed with this idea.
1st. A newcomer is never recruited on the spot. Even if s/he is a Christian. The requirements for recruitment is for someone to register at Tribe of Judah (that rule is not ours but ToJs and as such cannot change.) Then they submit an application on the forums and we give that person a week's time. The idea of delaying the acceptance is to give more value to membership. Many guilds just recruit whenever you ask, and that kinds of cheapens membership. It doesn't make you feel very valued, but if they have to work a little to get in, it will be more of an accomplishment for them and we can help to make them feel more special. If after a week, they are still interested, and they have talked to a council member, we schedule an introduction ceremony which I will suggest. One where they confess their sins and their belief in Christ right in Camelot, and where we make a very warm welcome and share some good things about them. And we invite them into the guild as a member of the Trinity and a child of God.

That's the basic ideas I had on recruitment. It makes the newcomer feel welcome and it adds to their gaming experience. And by setting up a hierarchy ladder for people to climb, then during ceremonies, not only will we invite, but we will also promote and recognize people and brag on them in front of everybody. This keeps the interest and encourages people to keep striving for higher goals.

Oh. And by the way. If we do get some interest and the council is formed, I will personally hold a special ceremony for all of you to indoctrinate our newest beginning.

So anyway, there's plenty of potential there, but also plenty of work. And I or Jaz cannot do this alone. So who wants to help make this a truly awesome family??
I am on most of the time anyway, id absolutely love to help out the guild as much as i can. im mostly on Odale, my main, but recently ive been on Hennis my cleric, (they are quite addicting
) If anything comes up while im on Hennis, id gladly swich to Odale, anything for the guild