could itz bez?!?!

ChickenSoup said:
I thought you danced?
For a living? I'm not that crazy! But yes, I dance.

I also completed through the Junior year of a Physics degree. (Quantum mechanics, electronics, calculus, etc.) I'm a graphic designer and a book artist. I can weave, knit, crochet, and sew. If forced, I can draw and paint. I also took printmaking and got to play with acid. I studied ceramics (two semesters-both handbuilding and wheel) and sculpture, so I can weld and (to a small degree) forge. I also like power tools and I own a hatchet. Since I don't have enough interests, I'm in the choir at church and I scrapbook.

Any questions, C$? :D
MaidMirawyn said:
For a living? I'm not that crazy! But yes, I dance.

I also completed through the Junior year of a Physics degree. (Quantum mechanics, electronics, calculus, etc.) I'm a graphic designer and a book artist. I can weave, knit, crochet, and sew. If forced, I can draw and paint. I also took printmaking and got to play with acid. I studied ceramics (two semesters-both handbuilding and wheel) and sculpture, so I can weld and (to a small degree) forge. I also like power tools and I own a hatchet. Since I don't have enough interests, I'm in the choir at church and I scrapbook.

Any questions, C$? :D

Ummm... I play paino and bongos, might learn the mandolin, I paint with oils, I sketch, I've used power tools, I have a Ph.D. in Supreme Pwnage....
vibrokatana said:
Underwater Basket Weaving!
See, if you soak the reeds in water first like you're supposed to, you don't have to do it underwater!

Yes, I've done basketry. I was a Girl Scout.
ChickenSoup said:
One of those skills no one'll ever use...
Unless you're a folk artist, and that's how you make your living. I know a couple.

Also, I've seen really awesome basketry done with metal instead of straw or reeds...very striking!

But mainly these skills are taught at a preliminary level to teach an appreciationi of the art and for the easy life we have now.
ChickenSoup said:
Ummm... I play paino and bongos, might learn the mandolin, I paint with oils, I sketch, I've used power tools, I have a Ph.D. in Supreme Pwnage....

Dont forget the ur awesome spam skillz. ;)